
Diana Cojocari Wiki (Mother of 11-year-old Missing Girl Madina Cojocari) & Husband

Diana Cojocari Wiki (Mother of 11-year-old Missing Girl Madina Cojocari) & Husband - networth, wiki, biography
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Diana Cojocari Wiki:-Diana Cojocari and Her husband Christopher Palmiter were Arrested on 17 December 2022 due to their daughter’s Missing Case. They have not reported her missing for more than three weeks.

In this Blog, you can read, Diana Cojocari Wiki (Mother of 11-year-old Missing Girl Madina Cojocari) & Husband.

Diana Cojocari is now appearing virtually before a judge. DA’s office has indicated that Diana has ‘hindered the investigation’ and reported Madalina missing ‘begrudgingly’. They’re asking for the same bond they gave Palmiter.

— Derek Dellinger (@DerekDlngr) December 20, 2022

Mother of 11-year-old Missing Girl Madina Cojocari

According to Authorities, She was not reported on her Missing report, her daughter was not going to school when her daughter’s School Reportedly Alert to ed law Enforcement until 14 December 2022.

The Day when her daughter was Missing She and her husband were Fighting in their home, She said she was Afraid of her Husband, and that’s why she was not reported her missing daughter.

She told the FBI she believed her husband put her family in danger. Diana said she contacted her family when she realized her daughter was missing. She said they recommended she call the police but she still hesitated to call.

11-year-old Missing Girl Parents

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FAQ About Diana Cojocari Wiki

Q.1 Who is Diana?

Ans. Diana and Her husband Christopher Palmiter were Arrested on 17 December 2022 due to their daughter’s Missing Case.

Q.2 What is Diana’s Date of Birth?

Ans. 31 March 1985.

Q.3 How old is Cojocari ?

Ans. 37 Years Old.

Q.4 Who is Dwyer’s Husband?

Ans. Christopher Palmiter.

Q.5 What is Diana’s Nationality?

Ans. American.

Read Also:- Madalina Cojocari Parents

Categories: Biography

Links: Diana Cojocari Wiki (Mother of 11-year-old Missing Girl Madina Cojocari) & Husband – Tekmonk Bio, Diana Cojocari Wiki (Mother of 11-year-old Missing Girl Madina Cojocari) & Husband – Kungfutv, Diana Cojocari Wiki (Mother of 11-year-old Missing Girl Madina Cojocari) & Husband – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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