
Dier backed by nearly two thirds of fans after Spurs star jumps into stand to confront supporter in ‘row over brother’ – The Sun

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SUNSPORT readers have given their backing to Eric Dier after the Tottenham star confronted a fan who abused his brother in Wednesday night’s FA Cup defeat.

We asked you what you made of the Spurs star, 26, storming into the stands to support his family and you responded in your thousands.


Fans have backed Eric Dier after he jumped into the stands to defend his brother

Of the more than 5,000 readers who cast a vote, a whopping 62.3 per cent believe Dier did the right thing.

Just 19.5 per cent of fans believe he was in the wrong, with a further 18.2 per cent saying it depends on what the fan did.

Dier leapt over seats as he raced to the top of the stand to confront a fan after Tottenham were knocked out of the FA Cup by Norwich on penalties.

Initial reports claimed the player – who scored his penalty in the shootout – had been defending team-mate Gedson Fernandes over claims he’d been racially abused.

But we can reveal the real reason behind the 40-cap England star seeing red – because he was heroically defending his younger brother, Patrick.

A source revealed one fan had been shouting abuse in the direction of Dier, despite him being one of very few Spurs stars to have a decent game in North London.

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The player’s brother, who was seated nearby, tried to calm the man down.

It is believed the pair got into a heated exchange and Dier jumped into the stands to protect his sibling.

It’s not clear what sparked the row and if the supporter involved is a Spurs fan.

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Tottenham are not expected to take any action against Dier, who could be heard shouting, “he’s my brother, he’s my brother” during the clash in one fan video.

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The FA are now investigating the incident and they will speak to Spurs stewards and fans nearby for their observations.

Dier backed by nearly two thirds of fans after Spurs star jumps into stand to confront supporter in ‘row over brother’ – The Sun 1Dier backed by nearly two thirds of fans after Spurs star jumps into stand to confront supporter in ‘row over brother’ – The Sun 2


Jose Mourinho has never won a penalty shootout in England

Dier is likely to face a misconduct charge for leaving the pitch area – and could be charged and fined.

But the FA could be lenient towards him due to the circumstances surrounding his family and thanks to their strong anti-abuse stance.

Fans had already taken to Twitter to show their “respect” to Dier for his heroic behaviour.

Jose Mourinho reacts to Eric Dier incident saying he was helping his younger brother during altercation

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Dier backed by nearly two thirds of fans after Spurs star jumps into stand to confront supporter in ‘row over brother’ – The Sun – Tekmonk Bio, Dier backed by nearly two thirds of fans after Spurs star jumps into stand to confront supporter in ‘row over brother’ – The Sun – Kungfutv, Dier backed by nearly two thirds of fans after Spurs star jumps into stand to confront supporter in ‘row over brother’ – The Sun – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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