
DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

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DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

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DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast – C. Vijayakumar, an IPS officer of the 2009 batch, was the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) of the Coimbatore Range. He was found dead in his office on July 7, 2023, after he shot himself with his service pistol.

Vijayakumar was a native of Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu. He joined the Indian Police Service in 2009 and served in various capacities, including as the Superintendent of Police of Kanchipuram, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, and Tiruvarur districts. He was also the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Anna Nagar in Chennai.

Vijayakumar was a recipient of the President’s Police Medal for Gallantry and the Police Medal for Meritorious Service. He was also awarded the Tamil Nadu Police Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct.

The reasons for Vijayakumar’s suicide are still unknown, but it is believed that he may have been suffering from depression. He had reportedly been under a lot of stress in recent months due to work-related issues.

Vijayakumar’s death has sent shockwaves through the police force and the public. He was a well-respected officer who was known for his dedication to his work and his commitment to public service. His death is a great loss to the police force and to the people of Tamil Nadu.

Here are some of the achievements of C. Vijayakumar IPS:

  • He was awarded the President’s Police Medal for Gallantry and the Police Medal for Meritorious Service.
  • He was also awarded the Tamil Nadu Police Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct.
  • He served as the Superintendent of Police of Kanchipuram, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, and Tiruvarur districts.
  • He was also the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Anna Nagar in Chennai.

Vijayakumar’s death is a great loss to the police force and to the people of Tamil Nadu. He was a well-respected officer who was known for his dedication to his work and his commitment to public service. His death is a reminder of the challenges that police officers face on a daily basis.

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Bio

NameC. Vijayakumar
NicknameVijay Kumar
AgePassed away on July 7, 2023 (Age: around 38 years)
Date Of BirthAround 1985
Date Of DeadJuly 7, 2023
ProfessionDeputy Inspector General (DIG)
BirthplaceTamil Nadu, India
HometownTirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Measurement

Height5 feet 10 inches (approx)
Weight75 kg (approx)
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Educational Qualifications

SchoolLocal High School
College or UniversityLocal University
Educational DegreeGraduate

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Family

FatherNot Known
MotherNot Known
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Marital Status

Marital StatusMarried
Spouse NameNot Known
AffairsNot Known

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars30 Lakhs INR.
SalaryNot Known

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Social Media Accounts

DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast

Categories: Biography

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Links: DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast – Tekmonk Bio, DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast – Kungfutv, DIG Vijay Kumar IPS Wikipedia, Age, Death, Coimbatore, Family, Biography, Wife, Cast – Blogtomoney

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