
Dillon Danis says he’ll KO Jake Paul and claims Logan is considering “pulling out” 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Dillon Danis says he’ll KO Jake Paul and claims Logan is considering “pulling out”. Please like and share if You are interested!

Dillon Danis has called for Jake Paul to be ready to replace his older brother Logan as their fight on the upcoming Prime boxing card is in turmoil following legal disputes.

After years of back and forth, Logan Paul and Dillon Danis are finally set to throw down come October 14. However, two months away from fight night, which will undoubtedly be the biggest event in influencer boxing so far, the bout is in danger of not going ahead.

Firing shots toward his opponent, Dillon has repeatedly taunted Logan since the fight announcement, posting photos across social media of his fiancé Nina Adgal with her previous partners.

Hitting back, Logan allegedly threatened his opponent with legal action, sending cease and desist letters to “censor” Danis. With the fight now potentially off the cards too according to the UFC fighter, he’s called on the younger Paul brother to prepare to step into the ring.

Dillon Danis calls for Jake Paul to replace Logan on Prime Card fight

In a tweet on August 13, Danis requested for Jake Paul to be prepared to step up as a replacement, claiming Logan is considering pulling out of the scheduled fight. “Jake Paul, stay ready. I’d gladly KO you,” he wrote.

Dillon also mocked the younger Paul brother, saying he’ll even fake a limp to lure him into the fight — poking fun at the messages he leaked between himself and Jake’s boxing coach Shane Mosley, who allegedly told him to fake a knee injury to tempt the ‘Problem Child’ to fight him.

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“I might even make videos faking a limp to entice you into the fight,” he said, adding: “Your little brother seems to be considering pulling out due to his hurt feelings. You might need to step up and uphold the reputation of the Paul name.”

After he backed out of his fight with KSI last minute, fans have been concerned Danis will pull the same move before stepping in the ring With Logan. Although, the Prime co-founder has assured fans there’s a hefty fine awaiting the UFC star if he does.

However, it’s unclear if Logan will be hit with the same penalty if he pulls out of the fight. Regardless, the Prime Card is still expected to be massive, where we’ll see KSI will also step in the ring with Tommy Fury “to do what Jake Paul couldn’t.”

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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