
Do you know there’s a T-Rex world championship? Watch

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A video of an incredible race of ‘T-Rexes’ recently surfaced on social media. The amusing video shows over 200 people taking part in a world championship while wearing inflatable Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur costumes. This unique event took place in suburban Seattle with participants from all over the USA.

The image shows people taking part in T-Rex world championship. (Emerald Downs)

T-Rex World Championship first started back in 2017 at the racetrack Emerald Downs and has been taking place since then. This year too the event witnessed hundreds of participants running to secure the top positions.

The first position in the 100-yard race was bagged by Ocean Kim from Hawaii. Colton Winegar, hailing from Idaho, and Seth Hirschi, from Washington, claimed the second and third positions, respectively.

Emerald Downs also shared a video of the race on their Instagram page. “There’s nothing like a good T-Rex Race!” they wrote. The interesting video shows people competing with each other while wearing the giant dinosaur costumes.

Take a look at this video of T-rex race:

The video was posted nearly 14 hours ago. Since being shared, it has accumulated close to 2,500 views, and the numbers are increasing. Additionally, the post has gathered nearly 300 likes.

What did Instagram users say about this unusua race?

“I am in love with this,” wrote an Instagram user. “Had so much fun! While I didn’t win, I had so much fun!” added another. “Wow. That’s awesome,” posted a third. What are your thoughts on this unique race? Would you like to take part in such a race?

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(With inputs from AP)

Categories: Trending

Links: Do you know there’s a T-Rex world championship? Watch – Tekmonk Bio, Do you know there’s a T-Rex world championship? Watch – Kungfutv, Do you know there’s a T-Rex world championship? Watch – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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