
Doja Cat says “I feel free” after losing 500,000 followers 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Doja Cat says “I feel free” after losing 500,000 followers. Please like and share if You are interested!

After losing hundreds of thousands of social media followers, Doja Cat broke her silence and said she is more relieved than anything. 

Though Doja Cat has a large fan base, her recent tirade on social media caused her to lose half a million followers.

Before losing a great portion of support, Doja called her following “creepy” and told them to go get a job. She even told one fan that she didn’t “love” her fans anymore, leaving many to lose interest in the ‘Woman’ singer.

Though it’s been about a month since her social media slam, Doja Cat finally broke her silence on the matter.

Instagram: dojacatDoja Cat shared she feels at ease with losing 500,000 followers.

Doja Cat says she feels she has “defeated a large beast” after fans unfollow her socials

Doja Cat’s fans have been ride or die, as some even called themselves “kittenz,” which is an ode to the artist and the affinity they have for her.

However, after Doja Cat called her fans “crazy” among other things, she lost a staggering amount of Instagram and Twitter followers.

Since dissing her fans about a month ago, Doja Cat finally shared her feelings on the matter, taking to her Instagram story to say, “Seeing all these people unfollow me makes me feel like I’ve defeated a large beast that’s been holding me down for so long.”

Doja Cat continued, “And it feels like I can reconnect with the people who really matter and love me for who I am and not for who I was. I feel free.”

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Doja Cat says “I feel free” after losing 500,000 followers 1Doja Cat says “I feel free” after losing 500,000 followers 2Instagram: dojacatDoja Cat praised her following in a recent interview before slamming her fans online.

Though the ‘Say So’ singer disregarded her fans in the most recent news, before she did that, she had an exclusive interview with Harper’s Bazaar where she praised her fans, saying, “I appreciate when people speak up for someone who is getting bullied or attacked by internet trolls.”

She continued, “Some of the most moving moments for me have been when my fans have stood up for me or for other people — that’s fighting for something real. I really appreciate that because people like to s—t talk.”

Though Doja Cat has contradicted herself with her actions and words, she seems unfazed by what has occurred via social media, as losing her followers has allowed her to finally embrace the people she felt needed the embracing. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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