
Donna Kim Bio, Age, Husband, Job, Great Chocolate Showdown

Donna Kim Bio, Age, Husband, Job, Great Chocolate Showdown - networth, wiki, biography
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Donna Kim is one of the 10 amateur bakers appearing on CW’s Great Chocolate Showdown Season 4.

“In order to survive the competition from week to week and avoid elimination, the chocoholic dessert-makers must dazzle our panel of world-renowned chocolatiers and food expert judges with their delicious, inventive creations,” read CW’s press about Great Chocolate Showdown.

The press continued, “To progress in the competition and avoid elimination, these dessert enthusiasts must captivate our esteemed panel of renowned chocolatiers and expert judges with their mouthwatering and innovative creations.”

Temper Chocolate & Pasty owner Steve Judges, Food Network Personality Anna Olson, and TV personality Cynthia Stroud were the judges for Season 4.

To learn about Donna’s age, marital status, occupation, and more, continue reading!

Donna Kim On Great Chocolate Showdown Season 4

An elated Donna only announced her participation in the show a week before the world premiere. Via Instagram, she shared, “Normally I am a fiercely private person but when Food Network Canada asks you to take part in a baking reality show, it’s really hard to say ‘no’! Since the pandemic, I’ve been teaching myself how to bake. It all began with me building a sourdough starter, and then learning what the heck to do with it!! I am still in disbelief as to how I went from struggling with a high-hydration dough to being one of the ten chosen from both Canada AND the US to be part of the cast of Great Chocolate Showdown!!!”

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The very post continued, “I’m nervous because truth be told, even though I am very outgoing, I’m innately a shy girl and a giant goofball soooo…EeeeeeeEEE!!! You might have noticed I’ve been trying to come out of my shell lately, which is why you’re suddenly seeing my face in my posts!”

On the Premiere Day, Donna shared another post, writing, “Well, I guess today is the day!! To all of you who have reached out, thank you SO much for your support!! It is very weird knowing that people will be watching me run around in a few hours.. 😃 Hope I do you proud!!”

Donna Kim Age

Although Donna Kim hasn’t shared her date of birth, she doesn’t look a day older than 43 as of this writing. She was probably born before 1980.

Donna Kim Job

Per her Instagram bio, Donna is an Artist, Designer, Baker, and Recipe Developer. She is also a Food Stylist and Digital Creator.

Moreover, Donna runs Red Model Design — custom props & makers of all things. The business serves prop and model for the Vancouver film industry.

Located at 823 Victoria Street, New Westminster, BC, Canada, V3M 1G6, Red Model Design lists itself as a Custom prop building on its Facebook page @redmodeldesign. An Instagram page @redmodeldesign for the business highlights its work.

Donna Kim Husband

Marek Normon is Great Chocolate Showdown Season 4 contestant Donna Kim’s husband. He co-owns Red Model Design with Donna.

A native of Vancouver, British Columbia, Marek is a Prop builder/model maker by trade. He is on Instagram @the_red_model_project.

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Donna is a thoughtful wife. Even Marek knows that. To his Facebook friends, he once revealed, “So my amazing, beautiful talented, and brilliant wife got Garry Chalk to record me a personal birthday voice-over with the name of my company (Redmodel) as a Transformer name. For those of you who are not hopeless nerds, Garry Chalk is the voice of Optimus Prime leader of the Autobots. Ka-Boom! He even added music, holy shit!! This is basically untopable. I’ll try to post it.”

Back in 2022, Donna surprised Marek and made Vintage Chevy Van Sugar Cookies. It was the first time she made sugar cookies. The cookies were an ode to Marek and his Chevy van, which he restored by himself.

As of this writing in 2023, Donna and her husband Marke didn’t seem to have any kids.

Donna Kim Height

Prop maker-turned-baker Donna must be around 5’4” in height.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Donna Kim From?

Great Chocolate Showdown star Donna currently resides in New Westminster, BC, Canada, British Columbia. However, given her last name, her family likely has roots in South Korea.

  • Is Donna Kim On Instagram And Facebook?

Reach out to Kim on Facebook @dk.donnakim.

Moreover, Donna is active on Instagram @thedonnakim. On the platform, she flaunts her baking skills as well as prop-making talents.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Donna Kim Bio, Age, Husband, Job, Great Chocolate Showdown – Tekmonk Bio, Donna Kim Bio, Age, Husband, Job, Great Chocolate Showdown – Kungfutv, Donna Kim Bio, Age, Husband, Job, Great Chocolate Showdown – Blogtomoney

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