
Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

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Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

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Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son – Dr Bopanna Satyanarayana Rao, the founder and chairman of the Sri Chaitanya Group of Institutions (SCGI), passed away today, July 13. He allegedly slipped in the lavatory, and now his body is being transported to Vijayawada, according to several local media reports.

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

They further disclosed that Dr. Rao’s funeral will be held in Vijayawada on July 14 at noon. Under his guidance, the institutions that Dr. BS Rao founded have flourished. In the Top 10 open category this year, the university earned five all-India rankings.

Dr. BS Rao and his wife Dr. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Boppana founded Sri Chaitanya 37 years ago in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, after spending 16 years practising medicine abroad in the United Kingdom and Iran.

Dr Rao had a dream for the welfare of the students, particularly the girls, who had suffered greatly since they were not aware of the opportunities available to them in the technical field. In order to help deserving students get into top-tier institutions and launch their careers, the husband-and-wife team founded the first Sri Chaitanya Girls Junior College in 1986 and a boys junior college in Hyderabad in 1991. They also gave intermediate-level education a fresh, focused perspective.

Dr Rao had a dream for the welfare of the students, particularly the girls, who had suffered greatly since they were not aware of the opportunities available to them in the technical field. In order to help deserving students get into top-tier institutions and launch their careers, the husband-and-wife team founded the first Sri Chaitanya Girls Junior College in 1986 and a boy’s junior college in Hyderabad in 1991. They also gave intermediate-level education a fresh, focused perspective.

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Bio

NameBopanna Satyanarana Rao
NicknameDr B.S. Rao
Age75 years
Date Of Birth1948
Death Date13 July 2023
ProfessionFounder and Chairman of Sri Chaitanya Group of Insitute
BirthplaceTamil Nadu, India
HometownTamil Nadu, India

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Measurement

Height5 feet 7 inch
Weight65 kg
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourGrey

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Educational Qualifications

SchoolLocal School
College or UniversityLocal University
Educational DegreeGraduated

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Family

FatherNot Known
MotherNot Known
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Marital Status

Marital StatusMarried
Spouse NameDr Jhansi Laxmi Bai

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Net Worth

Net Worth10 Cr
SalaryNot Known

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Social Media Accounts

Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son

Categories: Biography

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Links: Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son – Tekmonk Bio, Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son – Kungfutv, Dr B.S. Rao Sri Chaitanya Wikipedia, Death, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Son – Blogtomoney

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