
DU CSAS UG Admission 2023: Round 3 Allocation List Today, Get Direct Link Here

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DU CSAS round 3 Allocation List

DU UG Admission 2023: Delhi University will announce the DU CSAS round 3 seat allotment list today, August 22, 2023. Candidates who have applied for the undergraduate programmes offered by affiliate colleges of Delhi University can visit the official website today to check the allotment result. 

Delhi University is conducting admission to undergraduate courses through the CUET UG scores. Candidates who cleared the CUET UG entrance exam were required to visit the website and apply for the admission process. After the conclusion of admissions under the second round, the university opened the mid-entry window for higher preferences for the 3rd allotment round. Based on the choices entered, and the vacant seats available, the third allotment list will be released by the university.

Those eligible for admission under the third round can complete the admission and fee payment process by August 26, 2023. According to the schedule given. The DU 3rd allocation result will be announced by 5 pm today on the official CSAS portal – Candidates will be able to check the seat allocation result through the candidate login link available on the website. 

DU UG Admission 2023 Round 3 Schedule



DU third seat allocation list

August 22, 2023

Candidates to accept the allotted seats

August 22 to 24, 2023

Colleges to verify and approve applications

August 22 to 25, 2023

Last date for online payment of fees

August 26, 2023

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Steps to Check the Delhi University 3rd Allocation List

The Delhi University UG admission round 3 seat allocation list will be announced in online mode. Those students who have applied for UG admissions can check their allotment results by following the steps given here.

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Step 1: Visit the DU CSAS portal 

Step 2: Click on the candidate login link

Step 3: Enter the CUET application number and password

Step 4: Click on the 3rd round seat allocation list

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Step 5: Download the allotment order for further admission procedure

DU UG Admission 2023 Documents Required

Candidates allotted seats in the Delhi University third allocation round need to visit the colleges and complete the admission process. When reporting, students are required to carry with them all their necessary documents and required photocopies. The list of documents required is provided below. 

  • CUET UG scorecard
  • DU CUET UG application
  • Allotment Order
  • Class 10, 12 mark sheet
  • Birth certificate
  • caste/ category documents
  • Valid id proofs
  • Other necessary id proofs

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Links: DU CSAS UG Admission 2023: Round 3 Allocation List Today, Get Direct Link Here – Tekmonk Bio, DU CSAS UG Admission 2023: Round 3 Allocation List Today, Get Direct Link Here – Kungfutv, DU CSAS UG Admission 2023: Round 3 Allocation List Today, Get Direct Link Here – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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