
DU PG 2nd Merit List 2023 Tomorrow, Know How to Check Seat Allocation Status Here

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DU PG 2nd Merit List 2023

DU PG 2nd Merit List 2023: The University of Delhi (DU) will issue the second seat allotment list for its PG courses tomorrow, August 25, 2023, in online mode. Once released, registered candidates who have applied for the seat allotment process to get admission into various PG programmes offered by the university can check and download their 2nd round seat allotment status by visiting the official websites  – and

Candidates need to enter the necessary login details in the candidate’s portal to check the seat allocation list. According to the given schedule, candidates can accept their allocated seats from August 25, 2023 (from 5 pm) to August 28, 2023 (till 4.59 pm). The department/ college/ institutes will verify and approve the online applications of the candidates from August 26, 2023 (from 10 am) to August 29, 2023 (till 4.59 pm). 

DU PG 2nd Seat Allocation List 2023 – Direct Link (Available Tomorrow at 5 pm as per schedule)

DU PG Admission 2023 Schedule 

Candidates can check the dates related to the DU admissions 2023 in the table given below:



Publication of 2nd allocation list 

August 25, 2023 (5 pm)

Candidates to accept the allocated seat 

August 25, 2023 (from 5 pm) to August 28, 2023 (till 4.59 pm)

Department to verify and approve the online applications

August 26, 2023 (from 10 am) to August 29, 2023 (till 4.59 pm)

Date to submit the online fee 

August 30, 2023 (till 4.59 pm)


August 31, 2023 (from 5 pm) to September 1, 2023 (till 4.59 pm)

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See also  Publish GPAT score 2023, Direct download link here

See also  DU B.Tech 2023 List of vacant seats in the 1st round of seat registration published, registrations close tomorrow

How to check the Delhi University PG second allocation status 2023?

The second-round seat allotment status can be checked online once it’s released. Registered candidates can follow the below-given steps to know how to check their allotment status.

Step 1: Visit the official websites of Delhi University – and

Step 2: Now, click on the PG admission tab

Step 3: Enter all the required login details as asked 

Step 4: The DU PG second seat allocation list 2023 will appear on the screen

Step 5: Go through the list and download it for future use

Also Read: JNU PG Admission 2023 Second Merit List Tomorrow, Check Round 2 Admission Schedule Here

Register for Result Updates

Categories: Trends

Links: DU PG 2nd Merit List 2023 Tomorrow, Know How to Check Seat Allocation Status Here – Tekmonk Bio, DU PG 2nd Merit List 2023 Tomorrow, Know How to Check Seat Allocation Status Here – Kungfutv, DU PG 2nd Merit List 2023 Tomorrow, Know How to Check Seat Allocation Status Here – Blogtomoney

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