
DU UG Admission 2023: CSAS 3rd Seat Allocation Result On August 22, Check Details Here

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DU UG round 3 admission 2023

DU UG Admission 2023: Admissions to Delhi University’s undergraduate programmes are underway. The university closed the mid-entry window for reordering higher preferences on August 19, 2023. The third-round seat allocation list for undergraduate programmes will be announced on, August 22, 2023. Candidates who have cleared their CUET UG 2023 exams and have applied for the seat allotment round will be able to check the DU 3rd CSAS allocation link on the official website tomorrow. 

Delhi University third round seat allocation list will be available on the official website – The 3rd round seat allocation list will be available in the candidate login link on the official website of DU CSAS portal. Although as per the schedule, the third round is the final round for admissions, the notification further states that more counselling rounds will be announced depending on the availability of seats after the admissions for the third round is conducted. 

Delhi University 3rd Round Admission Schedule



Display of Vacant Seats

August 17, 2023

Mid-entry window to reorder preferences

August 17 to 19, 2023

DU third seat allocation list

August 22, 2023

Candidates to accept the allotted seats

August 22 to 24, 2023

Colleges to verify and approve applications

August 22 to 25, 2023

Last date for online payment of fees

August 26, 2023

Candidates who have registered for the mid-entry admission were required to submit a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000. 

The mid-entry applicants will not be allowed for ECA, sports supernumerary quota, performance-based programmes and practical-based programmes. Admissions through the mid-entry window are based on the availability of seats, eligibility criteria and the DU CSAS rules for admissions. Seats allotted at the mid-entry level are to be accepted mandatorily by the candidate. Seats allotted through the mid-entry level will not be revised in the upcoming allotment round. 

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According to reports, approximately 19,038 candidates were allotted seats in the second round allotment. Further updates regarding the Delhi University 2923 undergraduate admissions will be made by officials soon. 

Also Read: BHU PG Admission 2023: Application Edit Window Opens to Correct CUET Scores

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Links: DU UG Admission 2023: CSAS 3rd Seat Allocation Result On August 22, Check Details Here – Tekmonk Bio, DU UG Admission 2023: CSAS 3rd Seat Allocation Result On August 22, Check Details Here – Kungfutv, DU UG Admission 2023: CSAS 3rd Seat Allocation Result On August 22, Check Details Here – Blogtomoney

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