
Duck tactfully outsmarts tiger in a viral video. Watch

Duck tactfully outsmarts tiger in a viral video. Watch - networth, wiki, biography
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A video going viral on social media shows a duck outsmarting a tiger in the most hilarious way. Since being shared on platform X (formerly known as Twitter), the clip has amused many people. (Also Read: Baby bird pretends to be dead to save itself from leopard. Watch)

Snapshot of the tiger trying to find the disappeared duck.(Twitter/@buitengebieden)

The clip opens to show a duck swimming in a lake. That’s when a tiger stealthily approaches it. As the tiger comes near the duck, the bird suddenly dives underwater and hides. The bird then swims underwater to get out of the tiger’s sight and leaves the big cat baffled in the process. Seconds later, the duck appears behind the tiger, and finally swims away to safety.

Watch this video of the duck escaping the tiger here:

Watch the video of the duck escaping the tiger here:

This post was shared just one day ago. Since being posted, it has been viewed close to four million times. The share has also received several likes and comments.

Here’s what people are saying about the tiger and the duck:

An individual wrote, “He was so disappointed and flabbergasted.” A second commented, “Lol big cats or small cats, they all just always crack me up.” “The tiger is so confused lmao,” posted a third. A fourth shared, “Tiger said ‘Where is my lunch?’” A fifth said, “Look at the face of the tiger.”

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Links: Duck tactfully outsmarts tiger in a viral video. Watch – Tekmonk Bio, Duck tactfully outsmarts tiger in a viral video. Watch – Kungfutv, Duck tactfully outsmarts tiger in a viral video. Watch – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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