
Duo’s power-packed performance to Banthan Chali Bolo goes viral. Watch

Duo’s power-packed performance to Banthan Chali Bolo goes viral. Watch - networth, wiki, biography
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A duo’s incredible dance to the song Banthan Chali Bolo by Sukhwinder Singh from the 2000 film Kurukshetra has captured the attention of many. The video was shared on Instagram by user Prashant Maheshwari. (Also Read: Kids in Uganda dance to Tamannaah Bhatia’s Kaavaalaa, Shilpa Rao shares video)

Duo dancing to the song Banthan Chali Bolo.(Instagram/@Prashant Maheshwari)

The clip shows a man and a woman in a dance studio. As the song Banthan Chali Bolo plays, they both give an amazing performance and match each of their steps to the beats of the song.

Watch the video of the duo performing to Banthan Chali Bolo here:

This post was shared on social media on May 24. Since being posted, it has been viewed more than four lakh times. The share has also received several comments.

Here’s what people are saying about this dance video:

An individual wrote, “Well choreographed.” A second added, “The boy takes the spotlight.” “Wow, what amazing moves,” expressed a third. A fourth shared, “Nice performance.” Many others have replied to the post using heart emojis.

Categories: Trending

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Links: Duo’s power-packed performance to Banthan Chali Bolo goes viral. Watch – Tekmonk Bio, Duo’s power-packed performance to Banthan Chali Bolo goes viral. Watch – Kungfutv, Duo’s power-packed performance to Banthan Chali Bolo goes viral. Watch – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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