
Elena Xausa Wiki, Age, Bio, Death, Husband, Kids, Parents & Net Worth

Elena Xausa Wiki, Age, Bio, Death, Husband, Kids, Parents & Net Worth - networth, wiki, biography
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Elena Xausa Wiki:-American Illustrator. Elena Xausa was an American Illustraor. Xausa Passed away on 27 November 2022 at the age of 38 due to Appendiceal Cancer. Xausa Art Director and Graphic Designer from time to time.

In this Blog, you can read, Elena Xausa Wiki, Age, Bio, Death, Husband, Kids, Parents & Net Worth.

Death, Cause of Death

Xausa Passed away on 27 November 2022 at the age of 38 at her Home in Marostica, Italy. She Passed away after battling serious illness appendiceal cancer. Her Husband announced her death news on Instagram.

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Wiki, Age, Bio

Xausa was born on 11 July 1984, which means she was 38 years old. Her zodiac sign was Cancer. She took birth in Verona, Italy.

She is known for her vibrant and whimsical illustrations.

She completed her Gradtuin from Università Iuav di Venezia.

She worked as Freelance Illustrator also Graphic Designer.

She Represented Illustrator for 2DM Management also Gang of Berlin.

Husband & Kids

Xausa was Married to an Italian Filmmaker and also Multi-media Artist. Her Husband was born on 28 November 1979 ( 43 ).

Xausa Husband

Parents ( Father, Mother )

Xausa Parenst name are Maria ( Antonietti ) Xausa and Luciano ( Father).

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Her father owned a Hardware Store and her mother was an English Teacher.

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Social Media Links


FAQ About Elena Xausa Wiki

Q.1 Who was Xausa?

Ans. American illustrator, known for her vibrant and whimsical illustrations, passed away on 27 November 2022 at the age of 38.

Q.2 What was Elena’s Date of Birth?

Ans. 11 July 1984.

Q.3 How old was Elena?

Ans. 38 Years Old.

Q.4 Who are Xausa’s Parents?

Ans. Maria ( Antonietti ) Xausa  ( Mother ) and Luciano ( Father).

Q.5 What was  Xausa’s Nationality?

Ans. Italian.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Elena Xausa Wiki, Age, Bio, Death, Husband, Kids, Parents & Net Worth – Tekmonk Bio, Elena Xausa Wiki, Age, Bio, Death, Husband, Kids, Parents & Net Worth – Kungfutv, Elena Xausa Wiki, Age, Bio, Death, Husband, Kids, Parents & Net Worth – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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