
Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023

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Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023

Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023 – Ellie Breaux, who previously held the title of Miss Tarrant County, was formally named the new Miss Texas 2023 over the weekend. Breaux earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing with a concentration in fashion design from the University of North Texas.

Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023

Breaux triumphed in the preliminary rounds, winning both the evening gown and talent divisions, in addition to being named Miss Texas 2023. Breaux did a dance and rhythmic gymnastics routine to Lady Gaga’s “Hold My Hand” from the movie Top Gun: Maverick as part of her talent show.

Crowned as Miss Texas

Breaux won the title of Miss Texas 2023 and a $20,000 college scholarship as part of the prize. She will now compete in the eagerly awaited Miss America 2024 pageant, albeit the organisers have not yet released the event’s exact date and location. Breaux wrote on Instagram, “I still can’t believe this is real life. “I have to check myself in the mirror all the time to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023 1Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023

Breaux uses her platform to promote the Cops in the Community volunteer programme. The aim is to foster good connections between residents and police officers. She clarified that her father, a police officer in Houston, served as an inspiration.

According to Breaux, “I believe in the importance of building mutual respect between police officers and the communities they serve.” My intention is for our kids to view police as allies rather than enemies. The North Texas Dancers, Breaux’s UNT dance group, congratulated Miss Texas on social media.

The North Texas Dancers said, “We’re so proud of your perseverance and determination to never give up on your dreams.” “We will be rooting for you all the way to Miss America! You are going to be the most gracious, vivacious, and fierce @MissAmericaTX!”

Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023 2Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023

The 86th Miss Texas pageant, held at Richardson’s Eisemann Centre for Performing Arts, featured 57 ladies from all throughout the state competing to show off their skills.

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Links: Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023 – Tekmonk Bio, Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023 – Kungfutv, Ellie Breaux Bio, Ethnicity, Parents, Miss Texas 2023 – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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