
Elon Musk reacts to Chandrayaan-3 vs Interstellar budget post

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Elon Musk took to X to reply to a post comparing the budget of India’s moon mission Chandrayaan-3 with the Hollywood film Interstellar. His response to the post has prompted people to share varied comments.

What are your thoughts on Elon Musk reply to Interstellar vs Chandrayaan-3 budget? (Screengrab)

Former journalist Cindy Pom shared the tweet on the official handle of her organisation Newsthink. “Kinda crazy when you realize India’s budget for Chandrayaan-3 ($75M) is less than the film Interstellar ($165M),” reads the post. The share is complete with two images. One of them shows a picture of Chandrayaan-3 and the other is a still from the film Interstellar.

Elon Musk reacted to the post a day after it was shared. “Good for India!” the Tesla CEO wrote and also added an emoji showing the country’s flag.

Take a look at this tweet and Elon Musk’s reply:

Elon Musk’s reply has received over 60,000 views, and the numbers are quickly increasing. Alongside, the share has also accumulated more than 1,900 likes. It has furthermore gathered tons of comments from people.

What did people say about Elon Musk’s reply?

“Thanks for appreciation Musk bro,” posted an X user. “Finally, people are considering India’s worth,” added another. “India’s space program is underrated!” joined a third. “Thank you for kind words Elon, watch it we might win the race to Mars,” wrote a fourth.

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Interstellar vs Chandrayaan-3 budget

Chandrayaan-3 mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is aiming to land a spacecraft on the moon. If successful, India will become the fourth nation to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon – after Russia, the United States, and China. The spacecraft Chandrayaan, which means “moon vehicle” in Sanskrit, is built on a total budget of nearly $75 million.

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Christopher Nolan’s epic Interstellar, with Matthew McConaughey in the lead, is a movie about space adventure. The film was made with a total budget of $165 million.

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Links: Elon Musk reacts to Chandrayaan-3 vs Interstellar budget post – Tekmonk Bio, Elon Musk reacts to Chandrayaan-3 vs Interstellar budget post – Kungfutv, Elon Musk reacts to Chandrayaan-3 vs Interstellar budget post – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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