
Elon Musk reacts to Sundar Pichai’s Chandrayaan-3 landing post

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Elon Musk recently reacted to a post shared by Sundar Pichai on X (formerly known as Twitter) about Chandrayaan-3’s successful landing. The Google CEO reshared a post by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) along with a congratulatory caption.

Elon Musk’s reply to Sundar Pichai’s Chandrayaan-3 landing post has gone viral. (Reuters)

“What an incredible moment! Congratulations to @isro for the successful landing of #Chandrayaan3 on the moon this morning. Today India became the first country to successfully achieve a soft landing on the southern polar region of the moon,” wrote Sundar Pichai.

Within a few hours of Pichai sharing the post, Elon Musk reacted to it. “Super Cool!” the SpaceX CEO wrote in response.

Take a look at Sundar Pichai’s post and Elon Musk’s reaction to it:

Both the tweets have prompted a flurry of responses. From sharing about the historic moment to expressing their pride, people posted various reactions.

What did X users say about the posts?

“Dream of a billion hearts,” posted an X user. “It is really amazing,” added another. “Yes, India is rocking,” commented a third. “India made history,” joined a fourth. “I could explode. I’m that excited for India! You deserve this guys,” wrote a fifth.

About Chandrayaan-3:

Chandrayaan-3 lifted off on July 14 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, located in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. On August 23, it successfully landed on the south pole of the Moon, making India the first country to accomplish this feat. India is also the fourth country to make a soft landing on the lunar surface – after China, Russia, and the USA.

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Just a day ago, a reply by Elon Musk related to Chandrayaan-3 went viral. The Tesla CEO reacted to a post about India’s third moon mission having a smaller budget than Christopher Nolan’s film Interstellar.

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Categories: Trending

Links: Elon Musk reacts to Sundar Pichai’s Chandrayaan-3 landing post – Tekmonk Bio, Elon Musk reacts to Sundar Pichai’s Chandrayaan-3 landing post – Kungfutv, Elon Musk reacts to Sundar Pichai’s Chandrayaan-3 landing post – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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