
Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality - networth, wiki, biography
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Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality – Eniko Hart, a well-known model, media personality, celebrity partner, and social media influencer from Baltimore, Maryland, is 38 years old and was born on August 18, 1984. She is best known throughout the nation as the spouse of popular American comedian and media personality Kevin Hart.

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Bio

NameEniko Parrish
NicknameEniko Hart
Age38 years old
Date Of Birth18 August 1984
ProfessionTelevision personality, model, Celebrity Spouse, and social media star
BirthplaceBaltimore, Maryland, United States
HometownBaltimore, Maryland, United States

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Measurement

Height5 feet 6 inch
Weight54 kg
Eye ColourDark Brown
Hair ColourBlack

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Educational Qualifications

SchoolHigh School
College or UniversityNot Known
Educational DegreeGraduated

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Family

FatherMr. Parrish
MotherMrs. Parrish
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenHeaven Leigh HartHendrix HartKenzo Kash HartKaori Mai Hart

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Marital Status

Marital StatusMarried
Spouse NameKevin Hart

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Net Worth

Net Worth In DollarsUSD 1 Million
SalaryNot Known

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Social Media Accounts

Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality

Eniko Hart Career

After finishing her education, Eniko Hart turned her attention to her passion for modelling. She relocated to Los Angeles as a result of the limited options in her area. She worked along with a few regional publications and businesses. She also participated in runway shows at other occasions, including BET’s 2013 Rip the Runway. She was succeeding in her career and received praise after getting married.

To care for her children and their upbringing, she gave up her modelling career. She desires to spend more time with her kids and provide them the greatest upbringing possible. She is a social media influencer, and on her account, she posts fitness-related pictures and videos.

Kevin acknowledged dating a model and expressed regret for the error. Eniko offered Kevin a second opportunity because she believed in forgiving people when they make a mistake. The pair is enjoying their best lives as of November 2022 with their children and gorgeous family.

Facts about Eniko Hart

  • Eniko practises yoga and works out daily to keep her physique in shape.
  • She always supports and stands by her hubby.
  • Hart uses social media to advertise pricey goods.
  • She keeps a dog as a pet.
  • On social media, Kevin Hart’s wife posts inspirational and upbeat remarks.
  • She has 3.3 Million followers on her verified Instagram account as of November 2022.
  • In her free time, Eniko Hart enjoys to read books and fiction.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality – Tekmonk Bio, Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality – Kungfutv, Eniko Hart Wikipedia, Height, Wiki, Ethnicity, Nationality – Blogtomoney

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