
Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2

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Warning! SPOILERS for Ginny & Georgia season 2.Netflix’s Ginny & Georgia has always used its music intentionally, and the songs in season 2 are no exception. The Netflix drama-comedy follows the mother/daughter duo as they both make a living for themselves in Wellsbury, and the show’s soundtrack largely reflects their individual emotions. Music plays a huge role in the Netflix show, setting the mood for and underscoring many of the show’s most important moments.

The Ginny & Georgia season 2 soundtrack is vast, featuring various genres from country to Christmas music to contemporary pop by bigger artists like Justin Bieber. With so many songs on its soundtrack, Ginny & Georgia season 2 is bound to have a song to please everyone. Here is every song in Ginny & Georgia season 2, including where they appear in the show.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 1: “Welcome Back Bitches!”

“I Hate It” by again&again – “I Hate It” fittingly plays as Marcus chooses not to go downstairs to spend time with family during Thanksgiving.

“Pasta” by Angie McMahon – “Pasta” can be heard as Georgia walks around Ginny’s bedroom, missing her kids after they ran away from home at the end of Ginny & Georgia season 1.

“Pretty Ugly” by Tierra Whack – This Tierra Whack song plays in the background of a flashback to Georgia inventing the Miller family tradition of “Fry-Yay.”

“Save Your Words” by Craig Stickland – “Save Your Words” plays while Zion’s family arrives for Thanksgiving and greet Ginny, Zion, and Austin.

“Eye To Eye” by Specific Coast – The Specific Coast song plays in the background while Georgia calls Zion during the first episode of Ginny & Georgia season 2, wracked with guilt about not spending Thanksgiving with Ginny and Austin.

“Colors” by Black Pumas – “Colors” plays during a flashback to the characters Georgia, Zion, and Ginny spending Fry-Yay together. It can still be heard as Ginny returns Marcus’ motorcycle to its rightful owner.

“Distance” by Julian Daniel – “Distance” by Julian Daniel plays in the background of a rather tense Fry-Yay with Ginny, Georgia, Austin, Zion, and Paul.

“Peaches” by Justin Bieber & Daniel Caesar & Giveon – Max and Norah, the two remaining members of MANG at the beginning of Ginny & Georgia season 2, make a TikTok with this Justin Bieber song in the background.

“Drop The Game” by Flume & Chet Faker – “Drop The Game” plays during a flashback of Georgia coming home to an empty house after Ginny and Austin ran away at the end of the Netflix show’s season 1.

“Don’t Let Me Go” by Lane 8 & Arctic Lake – The Lane 8 and Arctic Lake song plays as Marcus sneaks into Ginny’s bedroom, where they kiss.

“Save My Soul” by Extreme Music – “Save My Soul” plays during a flashback of Georgia, Ginny, and Austin having a dance party. This scene reappears later in the season, revealing Gil was screaming and banging on the other side of the locked door.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 2: “Why Does Everything Have to Be So Terrible, All the Time, Forever?”

Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2 1Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2 2

“The Hunger” by San Fermin – “The Hunger” plays in the background of Ginny & Georgia episode 2 while Ginny gives a voiceover about her mother.

“Lalala” by Soran – “Lalala” can be heard after Georgia announces that she has asked Paul to move into the Miller house in Ginny & Georgia season 2.

“Shame” by Nick Throop – Fittingly, “Shame” plays in the Netflix show as Ginny arrives at school for the first time after running away and has to walk past her old friend group, including MANG and Hunter.

“Young Lovers” by Dutchkid – “Young Lovers” can be heard in the background as Ginny and Bracia run lines for Bracia’s musical audition and talk about their crushes, Marcus and Bryon.

“Blue” by FLAVIA – FLAVIA’s song plays in the Netflix show while Ginny texts Marcus to ask if he’s going to come over to spend the night with her again. Meanwhile, Abby jealously watches the TikTok that Max and Norah made together in Ginny & Georgia season 2, episode 1. Max also sadly looks at Sophie’s posts on Instagram.

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“Yeehaw” by Love Harder feat. Willie Jones & Rynn – “Yeehaw” plays as Georgia throws away all the food in the house to retaliate at Ginny.

“The Market Place” by Matt Dunne – Matt Dunne’s “The Market Place” plays in the background of Blue Farm Cafe as Ginny goes to beg Joe for her job back.

“Irresistible” by ColinResponse – “Irresistible” also plays in the background of Blue Farm Cafe while Joe and Ginny are talking.

“Georgia” by Tiggs da Author – “Georgia” fittingly plays as Ginny Googles herself after Paul’s revelation about the credit cards and finds that she has a terrible credit score, meaning that Georgia did the same thing to her as she did to Austin in Ginny & Georgia season 1.

“Weightless” by Chiiild – “Weightless” plays as Marcus and Ginny hook up in Marcus’ room.

“Sacrificial” by Rezz & PVRIS – “Sacrificial” can be heard when Ginny serves Paul a blue smoothie for breakfast to mess with Georgia.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 3: “What Are You Playing at, Little Girl?”

Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2 3Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2 4

“Devil I Know” by Allie X – Allie X’s song plays in the background as Ginny gives a voiceover reflecting on the ways that Georgia has betrayed her in Ginny & Georgia.

“I Rly Rly Like U (Coast Modern Remix)” by Baby Bulldog feat. Coast Modern – “I Rly Rly Like U” plays as Ginny and Hunter briefly talk in the hallway, to the irritation of Max.

“No Negotiations” by Anna Sofia – “No Negotiations” plays as Georgia discovers Ginny stole her credit card to buy Austin a video game.

“DCMO (Don’t Count Me Out)” by Lu Kala – The Lu Kala song plays as Marcus leaves Ginny’s room after they argue.

“You’re The One” by KAYTRANADA feat. Syd – “You’re The One” can be heard as Zion does a photoshoot of Ginny and Bracia in the Netflix show.

“Child’s Play (Hunter’s Song)” by Mason Temple, Rebecca Ablack & Nick Throop – This is the song that Hunter wrote about his breakup with Ginny, which is performed during Ginny & Georgia season 2, episode 3.

“Zanzibar” by Kamaliza – “Zanzibar” plays as Ginny struggles to text Marcus.

“The Best” by Erica Banks – “The Best” can be heard as Abby and Ginny decide to ditch class to smoke weed after an unpleasant encounter with Max.

“Love Somebody” by Justin Caruso & Chris Lee – “Love Somebody” plays while Ginny and Abby hang out at Abby’s house.

“Blondes” by Peach PRC – “Blondes” by Peach PRC also plays in the background while Ginny and Abby are hanging out.

“Cross My Heart I Hope You Die” by Meg Smith – This Meg Smith song plays as Ginny and Abby return to school after skipping class.

“Welcome To My Life” by qwinn – qwinn’s “Welcome To My Life” plays in the Netflix show after Georgia tells Ginny her secrets, thus laying all her cards out on the table.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 4: “Happy My Birthday To You”

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“Put The Gun Down” by ZZ Ward – “Put The Gun Down” plays in the background as Georgia overhears Ginny sneaking Marcus into her bedroom.

“1Night” by Daddy NAT – This song plays as Ginny and Marcus mess around in Ginny’s bedroom.

“Wild & Weak” by WAAX – WAAX’s “Wild & Weak” plays as Max wishes everyone “Happy my Birthday.”

“Mess Me Up” by Natania – This song plays during the Netflix show as Max discovers the pictures of Abby, Marcus, and Ginny hanging out together.

“Woo!” by Charmaine – Charmaine’s “Woo!” plays as Ginny spends a sleepless night trying to distract herself from her thoughts.

“Like A Wave” by Nick Kingsley & Danny Farrant – “Like A Wave” can be heard as Norah talks to Abby and Ginny for the first time so far in Ginny & Georgia season 2.

“Keep Up” by RaeLynn – “Keep Up” plays as Georgia insists that her family has a dance party in Ginny & Georgia.

“Little Fires” by Naomi August – Naomi August’s song plays as Max jealously watches the other former members of MANG chat at school.

“I’m Just A Dog” by Specific Coast – This song plays in the background of Blue Farm Café as Paul and Georgia get dinner.

“Paradise” by Hotline – “Paradise” can be heard playing at the house party Ginny throws for Max and Marcus’ joint birthday party.

“The Other Side” by Axel Mansoor – Axel Mansoor’s “The Other Side” plays in the sometimes controversial Ginny & Georgia‘s second season when Hunter and Ginny bury the hatchet over their breakup.

“Everybody Calls Me Son” by Specific Coast – “Everybody Calls Me Son” can be heard in the background of Ginny & Georgia at Blue Farm Café as Joe and Cynthia chat.

“Way You Move” by Attom & Frye – “Way You Move” by Attom & Frye punctuates Ginny and Marcus deciding to make their relationship official.

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“Rachet (Alternate 1)” by Jermain Brown – Jermain Brown’s song plays right before the Baker twins’ birthday party gets ratted out by the parents in Ginny & Georgia season 2.

“Eat Them Apples” by Suzi Wu – “Eat Them Apples” plays as Ginny, on the verge of a breakdown, calls her therapist in the Netflix show.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 5: “Latkes Are Lit”

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“Drinkee” by Sofi Tukker – “Drinkee” plays as Ginny goes for a run at the beginning of this episode of Ginny & Georgia.

“Hey Bunny” by Baby Bugs – “Hey Bunny” can be heard over a slow motion shot of MANG walking together in the school hallway, with Ginny deep in thought.

“Vibin’ Out” by FKJ & (((O))) – “Vibin’ Out” plays during an intimate moment between Georgia and Paul in Ginny & Georgia, which is then interrupted by a call from Zion.

“U & I” by Jordan Louis & Mia J. Mormino – “U & I” can be heard in the background of a play practice where Max and Silver share a moment together.

“Paamon (פעמון)” by Noa Kirel & Italy Galo – This song plays as MANG plus their mothers enjoy latkes together during the Netflix show.

“6’s To 9’s” by Big Wild feat. Rationale – “6’s To 9’s” plays as Ginny and Marcus hang out in Marcus’ bedroom, which is then interrupted by Max.

“Another” by Ruru – Ruru’s song can be heard in the background as Paul and Zion meet up for beers at Blue Farm Café.

“Can’t Stop It” by Nate Bodiker – “Can’t Stop It” plays in the background of Blue Farm Café during a conversation between Ginny and Padma.

“I Can’t Take It Anymore” by The Hit Makers – The Hit Makers’ doo-wop song plays as Georgia, Paul, Nick, and “Jesse” get ready to go to Georgia’s Neighborhood Club party in Ginny & Georgia.

“The Comedown (Padma’s Song)” by Rebecca Ablack – “The Comedown” is performed at the open mic night by Padma at Blue Farm Café in the Netflix streaming show.

“Something About You (Chill Mix)” by Elderbrook & Rudimental – This song plays during a moment between Joe and Cynthia after the open mic night.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 6: “A Very Merry Ginny & Georgia Christmas Special”

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“Deck The Halls” by Caprice – “Deck The Halls” plays at the beginning of this Christmas episode of the Netflix show.

“Deck The Halls (Girlfriend Remix)” by Wizardz of Oz – This version of “Deck The Halls” plays behind one of Ginny’s voiceovers.

“Jingle Bells” by Music Beyond – “Jingle Bells” plays as Georgia, Nick, and Paul get set up for the fundraiser.

“The Nutcracker Suite” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky – “The Nutcracker Suite” can be heard as the theater kids all exchange their Secret Santa gifts.

“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” by The Sugar Sisters – This song plays during a Christmas flashback.

“Jingle Bells” by Francis James & Evalina Ralls – “Jingle Bells” plays again at the Christmas fundraiser.

“Christmas Eve” by Specific Coast – “Christmas Eve” plays at Blue Farm Cafe when Georgia goes there after leaving her own family Christmas.

“Deck The Halls” by Lakewood – This is briefly heard at Blue Farm Cafe.

“Hush (Still Woozy Remix)” by The Marias – The Marias’ song can be heard when Cynthia goes to see Joe.

“We Wish You A Merry Christmas (Instrumental)” – This classic carol plays during the Miller-Randolph family Christmas.

“Silent Night” by Caprice – “Silent Night” plays at the end of this episode of the Netflix TV show as Ginny and Georgia embrace.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 7: “Let Us Serenade the Sh*t Out of You”

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“Raw Thoughts” by Baby Queen – “Raw Thoughts” plays at the beginning of this episode of Ginny & Georgia.

“Stranger” by Future Generations – “Stranger” can be heard as MANG talks about their holiday experiences.

“Time” by Reyn Hartley – “Time” plays in the background as Gil surprises Austin with hockey tickets, to Georgia’s irritation. It also plays during a flashback between Georgia and Gil.

“In The Afternoon” by Josef Salvat – The Josef Salvat song plays as Ginny and Marcus chat.

“Fight For Me” by Bukola – “Fight For Me” appears in Ginny & Georgia when Ginny arrives at school and talks to Silver.

“Seventeen” by Ruru – “Seventeen” can be heard when Ginny and Georgia arrive home from therapy.

“I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor – The Gloria Gaynor classic plays at Georgia’s surprise bachelorette party.

“Fireflies” by Owl City – “Fireflies” plays during a birthday flashback.

“We Unstoppable” by Alex Nova, Tom Griffiths, Adam Zapel & Dayeaux – “We Unstoppable” can be heard at Georgia’s bachelorette party while Ginny and Max chat.

“Retrograde” by Dhruv – “Retrograde” plays as Georgia takes her makeup off.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 8: “Hark! Darkness Descends!”

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“Juno” by Choker – “Juno” plays as Marcus gives a voiceover describing his depression.

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“Pretty Pills For Broken Hearts” by Cloudy June – The Cloudy June song appears in Ginny & Georgia season 2, episode 8 as Marcus steals alcohol from his parents’ kitchen.

“Riptide” by Hayley Taylor – This song plays as Cynthia talks to Tom.

“It’s OK” by Tisoki feat. KOZZE – Joe dances to this song during this episode of the Netflix show.

“Rockstar” by Mark Francis & Duncan Burnett – “Rockstar” plays as Joe picks a fight during a flashback sequence.

“My Love Is A Cannibal” by Joe Marson – “My Love Is A Cannibal” plays when Abby and Press hook up at Abby’s house.

“Ooh Yeah” by Janette King – “Ooh Yeah” plays when Max enters Marcus’ room and inquires about Silver.

“As I Am” by Julia Carlucci – “As I Am” plays during Norah and Jordan’s anniversary dinner at Blue Farm Cafe.

“Rakefire” by Frank Mighty – Frank Mighty’s song plays as Joe and Cynthia talk at Blue Farm Cafe.

“Never Enough” by Two Lanes – “Never Enough” plays during Marcus’ final voiceover of the episode.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 9: “Kill Gil”

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“Good Girl” by Morganne – “Good Girl” plays as the binge-worthy Netflix show goes back in time three days before Ginny and Marcus’ breakup.

“Drive All Night With You” by Nightshift – This song plays in the background of a flashback sequence featuring Georgia and Gil.

“Georgia Power” by Blanco Brown – The Blanco Brown song plays right before Georgia is approached by Gabriel Cordova.

“Our Love Is Enough” by Adam Townsend – The Adam Townsend song plays as Ginny and Marcus walk down the school’s hallway.

“Lucid” by Morganne – “Lucid” plays as Marcus zones out in English class, where they are reading Romeo and Juliet.

“Eye To Eye” by Specific Coast – “Eye To Eye” can be heard in the background as Gil threatens Georgia in Blue Farm Café.

“No Pain” by DJDS feat. Khalid, Charlie Wilson & Charlotte Wilson – “No Pain” underscores Georgia’s murder of Tom Fuller.

“Missing Me” by Angie McMahon – Angie McMahon’s song plays while Ginny and Marcus break up in the Netflix show.

“U Were Never Mine” by Ryan Wright – The Ryan Wright song plays when Georgia comforts Ginny about her breakup.

“White Flag” by Bishop Briggs – “White Flag” plays as Gil assaults Georgia.

“Until I Found You” by Stephen Sanchez & Em Beihold – “Until I Found You” plays during a flashback when Georgia reveals she’s pregnant with Austin.

“Start A War” by Klergy & Valerie Broussard – “Start A War” can be heard as Cordova calls the cops to report Tom Fuller’s death as a murder.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2, Episode 10: “I’m No Cinderella”

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“Open” by Grace Aimi – This Grace Aimi song plays as Georgia gives a voiceover at the beginning of the Netflix show’s season 2 finale while the Miller family eats a meal together.

“Blue” by Julia Chase – “Blue” plays early in the episode while Ginny and Max are at school talking about the former’s breakup with Marcus.

“Prism Of Love” by Blakey and JONES – Blakey and Jones’ “Prism Of Love” plays when Ginny and Marcus are in English together and are both feeling sad about their recent breakup.

“Stole My Heart” by Beasts With No Name – “Stole My Heart” plays in the background at Blue Farm Café when Max and Sophie meet up for coffee.

“Yellow” by Sam Opoku – “Yellow” can be heard while Ginny and Austin are having dinner with Zion at his apartment.

“I Miss You, I’m Sorry” by Gracie Abrams – The Gracie Abrams track plays over a montage of Ginny and Marcus looking at old pictures on their phones and missing each other during the last episode of the Netflix show.

“A Little Wicked” by Valerie Broussard – “A Little Wicked” plays during a flashback sequence in Ginny & Georgia that reveals Georgia framing Gil for fraud and embezzlement, which would eventually send him to jail.

“F*ck Your Sunshine” by Laszewo – This song plays in Ginny & Georgia as MANG hangs out in Max’s room and discusses heartbreak.

“Famous” by Maestro – “Famous” plays in the background of the party in the Netflix show where Hunter and Marcus have a heart-to-heart about Ginny and Marcus’ breakup.

“Upperhand” by Hilzie – “Upperhand” plays when Abby and Press are hooking up in the bathroom.

“Arc” by Yoste – “Arc” can be heard when Ginny goes to Marcus’ house and they agree to remain friends despite their breakup.

“Prone” by DKY – DKY’s song can be heard in the background when Paul gets a restraining order against Gil, which also demonstrates his intention to still marry Georgia at the end of the Netflix show.

“Raw Thoughts” by Baby Queen – “Raw Thoughts” plays when Ginny devises a plan for Georgia and Paul’s wedding after Georgia jumped the gun by canceling the venue.

“Pesman Olarsan” by Tural Sedali – This track plays during Georgia and Paul’s wedding.

“Until I Found You” by Stephen Sanchez – “Until I Found You” plays as Georgia walks down the aisle.

“Barely Alive” by ufo ufo – The ufo ufo song plays while Marcus and Joe commiserate over their broken hearts outside of Georgia and Paul’s wedding reception at the end of the Netflix show.

“Rose” by Stephan Bodzan – “Rose” serves as Georgia and Paul’s first dance.

“Chapel Of Love” by The Dixie Cups – “Chapel Of Love” plays rather ironically in this Ginny & Georgia episode as Georgia gets arrested for Tom Fuller’s murder at her wedding.

Links: Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2 – Tekmonk Bio, Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2 – Kungfutv, Every Song In Ginny & Georgia Season 2 – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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