
Everything To Know About The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Rinna

Everything To Know About The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Rinna - networth, wiki, biography
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Lisa Rinna from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has made quite a name for herself. Even before Lisa joined the reality series, she was a well-known face in Hollywood. Lisa was known for her acting skills in two popular soap operas: Days of Our Lives and Melrose Place. After she appeared on these shows, Lisa became somewhat of a celebrity. This provided her with a number of opportunities, including a full-time role at RHOBH.

Lisa joined RHOBH season 5 alongside fellow soap star Eileen Davidson. The two were partners in crime, with Eileen always sticking by Lisa even when she was wrong. When Eileen left, Lisa had Erika Jayne as her ally. The two were also thick as thieves, even in the most recent season of RHOBH. Besides Lisa’s Bravo career, there is still a lot to know about the soap actress turned reality star.

Lisa Rinna’s Background

According to Project Hatch, Lisa’s full name is Lisa Deanna Rinna, and she was born on July 11, 1963, in Newport Beach, California. However, after seven years of living there, Lisa and her family relocated to Medford, Oregon, short after her older sister passed away from a drug overdose. The 59-year-old married fellow actor Harry Hamlin on March 29, 1997, after just a few years of dating. Lisa and Harry then welcomed two daughters: Delilah Belle Hamlin on June 10, 1998, and Amelia Gray Hamlin on June 13, 2001. Before Lisa started her life as a wife and mother, she hustled her way into the entertainment industry.

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Lisa Rinna’s Acting Career

In 1985, Lisa appeared in John Parr’s music video for “Naughty Naughty.” Five years later, Lisa made her TV debut on The Hogan Family in 1990, but it wasn’t until 1992 that she got the role of Billie Reed on the soap opera series Days of Our Lives. Her character, Billie, was a professional singer whose downfall started when she became addicted to cocaine. She played the role until 1995 but came back from 2002-2003 and reprised her role for a third time in 2012.

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After her first run on Days of Our Lives, Lisa, who had some funny RHOBH moments, got the role of Taylor McBride, the wife of Kyle McBride, on Melrose Place. Lisa then got to costar with her husband, Harry, in the hit crime drama series Veronica Mars from 2004-2007. The couple later starred in the Broadway show Chicago in 2009, where she played Roxie Hart. She also appeared in a number of made-for-TV movies and had a large role in the HBO series Entourage. In 2014, Lisa joined RHOBH season 5 and quickly became a polarizing figure. She announced her departure from the series in January 2023.

Lisa Rinna’s Other Career Ventures

Lisa has also dabbled in other entertainment ventures, such as co-hosting Soap Talk from 2002-2006, alongside Ty Treadway. The talk show featured other soap stars, authors, and actors from other TV shows. Lisa, who was likely fired from RHOBH, has even co-hosted alongside Regis Philbin on the morning talk show series, Live with Regis and Kelly. Lisa even had her own reality series with her husband called Harry Loves Lisa in 2010; shortly after her original show was canceled, Lisa joined RHOBH.

Other than Lisa’s acting roles, she has also done a bit of modeling, just like her daughters. Her most notable modeling gig was her nude shoot for the September 1998 edition of Playboy, where she was six months pregnant with her daughter, Delilah. She also has a clothing line, the Lisa Rinna Collection, a wine label called Rinna Wines, and Lisa’s new beauty line, Rinna Beauty.

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Lisa has had quite a career, dabbling in many different paths, such as acting, modeling, business, and reality TV. She clearly knows how to hustle, seeing that she has created a life many would never be able to dream of. Lisa may not be on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills anymore, but she isn’t afraid of a challenge, and it certainly shows.

Source: Project Hatch

Links: Everything To Know About The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Rinna – Tekmonk Bio, Everything To Know About The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Rinna – Kungfutv, Everything To Know About The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Rinna – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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