
Ex-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse

Ex-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse - networth, wiki, biography
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A SOBBING former teacher today told how her life “untangled” when she came clean about animal cruelty after a video of her slapping a horse.

Sarah Molds “reprimanded” the gray pony named Bruce Almighty after it ran onto a road in Lincolnshire in November 2021, it was said.


Sarah Molds was seen slapping the horse in the footage shown to jurorsEx-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse 1


The former teacher, pictured outside the court with her husband Dan, was accused of ‘punishing’ the animalCredit: PA

In the footage shown to jurors, she was filmed slapping the animal with an open fist and pulling on its reins before hitting it with her riding boots.

Moulds, 39, then pulled the 11-year-old horse into his stall during the attack during the Cottesmore hunt in an area known as The Drift.

She was acquitted today of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal and of failing to take reasonable steps to protect the animal from pain, suffering, injury or disease.

Molds and her family wept as the verdict was handed down after five hours of jury deliberations.

Speaking outside court, the former teacher said the damage done to her and her children’s lives could not be “repaired”.

She also questioned the case the RSPCA took to court and accused them of being “pressured” by online “bullies”.

Molds added: “I have been vindicated by the jury’s decision today; however, the damage of the last 20 months; the trial by social media is irreversible.

“The loss of my career, the death threats to me and my children and the distress caused to my family cannot be undone.

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“My loved ones have had to watch helplessly as our lives unravel based on untruths.”

The mum also said she “adores” her animals as she said the ordeal was “heartbreaking”.

She added: “For those who have judged me based on an incomplete story, I understand your concerns about animal welfare.

“However, we sincerely hope that this incident will serve as a reminder to all of us about the power of social media, the responsibility we bear as users and the importance of refraining from jumping to conclusions without knowing the whole story.”

“All my family and I want to do now is rebuild our lives and move forward. Thank you for your time and understanding.”

Lincoln Crown Court heard how Bruce “suffered physically and mentally” because of Moulds’ “unnecessary and counterproductive” response.

Equine vet Dr Suzanne Green said the rider’s actions were “out of proportion, inappropriate and not in response to anything”.

But Molds claimed she intended to “briefly shock” the horse.

Denying she had lost her temper, the mum said Bruce took off unexpectedly while the child was still holding on to his rope.

She said: “At that moment [Bruce] had done something incredibly dangerous and, at that moment, I decided the right thing to do was to quickly discipline him.

“In reality it was four seconds at that moment.

“My intention at the time was, and always has been, to discipline Bruce in the moment so that he doesn’t do it again.

“There was minimal contact and it was so quick and so short.”

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Molds also cried as she told how her family had received death threats since the incident and had to “go into hiding”.

She lost her job as a teacher at the Mowbray Education Trust after the video was shared by anti-hunting saboteurs.

The experienced rider also claimed that Bruce, who she still owns, has a “beautifully idyllic” life.

She added: “I will certainly never hit a horse, discipline a horse, in that way because my life was torn to shreds as a result of that four-second decision.”

dr. Clive Madeiros, a vet, told the court it was likely the horse was only experiencing “transient discomfort” and that there was “no hard evidence” it was in pain.

Moulds, who was charged by the RSPCA and not the police or CPS, has denied the allegations.

The RSPCA said after the verdict: “We do not take the decision to prosecute lightly. We apply the same tests as the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether to prosecute someone for animal welfare offences.

“This requires that there is sufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and that it is in the public interest to prosecute.

“This case was reviewed by the prosecution’s case manager, independent counsel and counsel who all agreed that the evidentiary test was met and supported by two veteran expert witnesses.

“Today we accept the court’s decision and thank the jury for their careful consideration, but the public can be assured that the RSPCA will always consider concerns brought to us about animal neglect and cruelty.”

Ex-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse 2


Molds were also filmed kicking a horseEx-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse 3

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She claims that she behaved as a ‘reasonable, competent and humane person’Credit: PA

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Ex-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse – Tekmonk Bio, Ex-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse – Kungfutv, Ex-teacher Sarah Moulds sobs her life ‘unravelled’ as she’s cleared of animal abuse after clip showed her slapping horse – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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