
Exclusive tickets for I Love the Urban outdoor festival in Jandino Asporaat

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On Saturday, July 18, 2020 is Jandino Asporaat first, I Love the Urban outdoor festival in the Oeverpark Rotterdam, the netherlands. The first tickets for the n

On Saturday, July 18, 2020 is Jandino Asporaat first, I Love the Urban outdoor festival in the Oeverpark Rotterdam, the netherlands. The first tickets for the new festival are available for purchase at as of Thursday, 27 November at 19:00.

you can buy your tickets.

A Grand fireworks display . I Love the Urban music festival is about music, entertainment, and fine dining. Jandino Asporaat on the festival: “It is a dream place to be, a festival in which my clients are constantly being surprised, to have fun with their friends, and where we will have wonderful new memories to create.” During the festival, you will find a spectacular display of fireworks and a giant ferris wheel that offers a view over the whole city of Rotterdam. Also, there is a beautiful square with restaurants, where the meals are served in each of which the heart starts to beat.


visitors will be able to the hips to turn in multiple stages with the best artists of the moment. This is the line-up will be announced later.

for More information: Oeverpark, Rotterdam, the netherlands When: July 18, 2020, the doors will open at 13:00 Age requirements: minimum age 18 year Price: 30 € (exclusive of service charge, 3 euro) – Order your tickets

Date Of Update: 27 February 2020, 18:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Exclusive tickets for I Love the Urban outdoor festival in Jandino Asporaat – Tekmonk Bio, Exclusive tickets for I Love the Urban outdoor festival in Jandino Asporaat – Kungfutv, Exclusive tickets for I Love the Urban outdoor festival in Jandino Asporaat – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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