
Fans all switch from BBC to ITV for Women’s World Cup final after discovering ‘annoying’ technical blunder in commentary

Fans all switch from BBC to ITV for Women’s World Cup final after discovering ‘annoying’ technical blunder in commentary - networth, wiki, biography
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FANS have blasted an annoying technical blunder with the BBC’s coverage of the Women’s World Cup final.

Viewers could hear the BBC’s Spanish colleagues through the microphones of their commentary.


Fans could hear a Spanish man shouting in the background of the BBC’s commentary

The opening stages of the encounter between Spain and England were dominated by a man shouting in Spanish.

Fans were confused whether the man was a Spanish commentator or a fan.

And viewers took to Twitter to complain about the coverage during the early stages of the match.

One fan wrote: “Already turned over to the ITV coverage. That Spanish commentator you can hear in the background on the BBC is rather annoying.”

A second fan wrote: “Why can we hear the Spanish commentator in the background on BBC tv coverage?”

A third added: “@BBC get rid of the Spanish guy please.”

While a fourth wrote: “Switched to ITV commentary, BBC’s bit of a mess. Commentator losing her voice and can hear Spanish commentary in background.”

The BBC’s commentator, Robin Cowen then apologised for the interruption, saying: “Apologies if you are hearing our Spanish colleagues.”

England’s hearts were broken however as they lost the final 1-0.

Olga Carmona scored the only goal of the game in the 29th minute.

Sadly England couldn’t fight back despite Mary Earps’ dramatic penalty save in the second half.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Fans all switch from BBC to ITV for Women’s World Cup final after discovering ‘annoying’ technical blunder in commentary – Tekmonk Bio, Fans all switch from BBC to ITV for Women’s World Cup final after discovering ‘annoying’ technical blunder in commentary – Kungfutv, Fans all switch from BBC to ITV for Women’s World Cup final after discovering ‘annoying’ technical blunder in commentary – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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