
‘Feline engineer’: Kitty ‘fixes’ bulb in adorable video. Watch

‘Feline engineer’: Kitty ‘fixes’ bulb in adorable video. Watch - networth, wiki, biography
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Many cat videos make us say ‘aww,’ and a new addition to that list is this one that shows a kitty ‘fixing’ a bulb. Since being shared, this video has won the hearts of many. (Also Read: Cat adopts kitty as its own. Watch adorable video)

Cat fixing the light bulb.(Twitter/@buitengebieden.)

This video was shared on the Twitter handle @buitengebieden. It begins to show a cat near a bulb. As the video goes on, it shows the kitty hitting the light to ‘fix’ it. In the end, the cat is successful with its task. In the caption of the post, @buitengebieden wrote, “Let me fix this.”

Watch the video of the kitty fixing the bulb here:

This video was shared just a few hours ago. Since being posted, it has been viewed close to two million times. The share has also received several likes and comments.

Check out what people are saying about this post here:

An individual wrote, “This feline engineer is illuminating the world, one playful swat at a time.” A second commented, “Oh no! Taking over our livelihoods now as well?” A thief said, “Chief electrician.” “Does this electrician have a license?” Asked a fourth. A fifth posted, “At first I thought they weren’t qualified, but they proved me wrong. Cat is an electrician.” Several others have reacted to the video using heart emojis.

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Categories: Trending

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Links: ‘Feline engineer’: Kitty ‘fixes’ bulb in adorable video. Watch – Tekmonk Bio, ‘Feline engineer’: Kitty ‘fixes’ bulb in adorable video. Watch – Kungfutv, ‘Feline engineer’: Kitty ‘fixes’ bulb in adorable video. Watch – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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