
First coronapatiënt was not infectious during the time of carnival

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in The province of Noord-Brabant the man with the feline corona virus that is in quarantine, is located at the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg, the net

in The province of Noord-Brabant the man with the feline corona virus that is in quarantine, is located at the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg, the netherlands was in the days when he was carnival and fourth, it is not contagious. And he does it well. In this report, among others, the mayor of the city of Tilburg, the public health service, and a spokesperson from the hospital on Friday during a press conference.

you can Follow the latest developments of the virus in our liveblog.

he was on Wednesday included in the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg, the netherlands. Due to a “strong suspicion” of contamination, it was he, according to the protocol, in isolation, is treated. Thursday night it turned out that he was the COVID-19-the virus.

The AMBULANCE, with a contactonderzoek in the who’s ” the man who lived in the Italian region of Lombardy, has been in contact with has been. These individuals will then be monitored, and should be, twice a day for their temperature, and passing them on to the health care provider.

There is no link between this guy and the second coronapatiënt, a woman who is at home in Diemen, the netherlands, in isolation, remains. However, they were both recently in the Italian region of Lombardy. This region is considered to be risk areas, because of the virus, there is to be widespread.

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The COVID-19-the virus (corona virus) in a nutshell: The virus is spread mainly through the coughs and niesdruppeltjes that are in the air. Those who have no symptoms is less than risk of infection. A person can have, on average, two-to-three-infect others (it is less than, for example, measles, mumps). And this number is declining, however, due to all the safety precautions. By far, most of the people have a light (- like) symptoms. Almost all the deaths involve elderly or already ill people.

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Date Of Update: 28 February 2020, 13:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: First coronapatiënt was not infectious during the time of carnival – Tekmonk Bio, First coronapatiënt was not infectious during the time of carnival – Kungfutv, First coronapatiënt was not infectious during the time of carnival – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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