
G20 Summit 2023: What’s Open in Delhi? What is closed? Here’s every detail you’ve been waiting for!

G20 Summit 2023: What’s Open in Delhi?  What is closed?  Here’s every detail you’ve been waiting for! - networth, wiki, biography
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This year, India will proudly host the much awaited G20 summit in the coming month, i.e. in September. The summit will be held in Delhi. A major event will result in the office closing. There will also be a lot of restrictions on traffic routes. The summit will be held on September 9 and 10 at the Bharat Mandapam Convention Center in Pragati Maida, Delhi. This Bharat Mandapam was recently constructed.

Event details

Event Name: G20 Summit

Date: September 9 and 10

Venue: Convention Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, Delhi

While the event begins on September 9, leaders and officials from around the world will begin arriving in Delhi on September 8. It is clear that the event has great importance.

While the event is crucial for the state, it is also important to be up to date with the day’s administration, office closures and traffic routes.

Delhi and the central government have announced that their offices will remain closed from September 8 to 10. Schools and private offices will also remain closed on those days.

It is also important to note that the country will be celebrating the Janmashtami festival just a day before, on September 7. Almost all workplaces will decide to remain closed due to the large gathering of world leaders.

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Who are the leaders who will visit Delhi?

Many important leaders from around the world will visit Delhi for the G20 summit. The President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, will also come to the capital. Moreover, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Chinese Premier Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron will also be part of the event.

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India also invited the representatives of the guest countries namely Egypt, Netherlands, Oman, Bangladesh, Spain, Singapore, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates and Nigeria.

For all the G20 meetings held during the year among senior officials, civil society and ministers, the 18th G20 summit will prove to be the culmination.

National holiday in the capital for 3 days

All private and government offices in Delhi along with schools and colleges will remain closed from September 8 to 10 as per the notification of the General Administration Department (GAD), Delhi government.

Which offices will remain closed?

Except government and private offices and educational institutions, all financial institutions and commercial banks under the jurisdiction of the New Delhi Police District and falling under the purview of Section 25 of the Instruments Act, 1881 shall remain closed and shall observe public holidays for three consecutive days, that is, from September 8 to 10, the notification states.

Additionally, shops and markets in New Delhi will not be allowed to remain open during the summit.

Traffic rules

Traffic will be restricted for a limited time in several areas of Delhi, according to officials. The purpose behind this would be to avoid deadlock. Another purpose is to look after the safety of VVIPs visiting Delhi. Markets and malls located in several areas may also remain closed for three days.

Buses will be limited or have alternative routes in VVIP destinations. Bus transport for interstate travel can be redeployed around the capital city border.

It is important to note that sufficient measures will be taken to ensure that emergency services and hospitals are not affected, according to officials. Moreover, officials will also ensure that passengers traveling by air or rail do not face any difficulties.

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Prohibited vehicles

The Delhi Traffic Police is expected to detain cargo trucks outside Delhi for these three days. Cargo trucks will actually be diverted to the western and eastern expressways.

However, all vehicles that have permission or are carrying essential cargo will be allowed to enter Delhi. A comprehensive warning is expected to be issued soon.

Much to the relief of most daily commuters in the national capital, Delhi Metro services will remain functional as usual. However, please note that stations around New Delhi such as Khan Market, Central Secretariat, Mandi House and the Supreme Court may remain closed for three days.

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Categories: Trends

Links: G20 Summit 2023: What’s Open in Delhi? What is closed? Here’s every detail you’ve been waiting for! – Tekmonk Bio, G20 Summit 2023: What’s Open in Delhi? What is closed? Here’s every detail you’ve been waiting for! – Kungfutv, G20 Summit 2023: What’s Open in Delhi? What is closed? Here’s every detail you’ve been waiting for! – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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