
Get your tickets for Frans Bauer Live in Concert, with a 25% discount

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the 25 years since his first visit to tour, visit, Bauer once again, the most beautiful theatres in the Netherlands. An evening of Holland’s songs, the spectac

the 25 years since his first visit to tour, visit, Bauer once again, the most beautiful theatres in the Netherlands. An evening of Holland’s songs, the spectacle, and the generous smiles of the French. If you order a ticket with a 25% discount starting from 22,- euro.

you can buy your tickets.

if The travel is of French blood, and this is something everyone to enjoy. Of the United States of america, China, and now, a musical journey, and just to have a good home, just around the corner. Under the guidance of his regular orchestra, the Holland, Show, Band, you can now purchase tickets for an eternally charming bistro night-French-Bauer.

for More information: line-up main stage Brabanthallen, Den Bosch When: april 4, 2020, the doors are open from 19: 00 hours, the Price of grade 1: 41,50 for 31,75 euros including service Price, grade 2: 34, for 26,15 euro, inclusive of service charge Price-rank 3: from 28,50 to 22,00 euro (inclusive of service charges Promotion: 25% off each ticket you buy your ticket

Date Of Update: 26 February 2020, 09:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Get your tickets for Frans Bauer Live in Concert, with a 25% discount – Tekmonk Bio, Get your tickets for Frans Bauer Live in Concert, with a 25% discount – Kungfutv, Get your tickets for Frans Bauer Live in Concert, with a 25% discount – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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