
God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations

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In God of War: Ragnarok, Odin’s ravens are his spies, and one of Kratos’ missions is to kill them. There are 48 crows scattered in various fields.

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God of War: Ragnarok is based on references to Norse mythology. One of the lesser mentioned ones involves Odin, Hujin, and Munin’s crows, who bring messages to Odin.exist God of War: Ragnarok, they were his spies, and one of Kratos’ missions was to kill them all. There are forty-eight crows scattered in various fields.

Since Odin is a main villain God of War: Ragnarok (one of many departures from the original mythology), the crow that slays him has narrative importance. The more crows players collect, the more legendary chests they can unlock next to the great white tree full of crows in Niflheim. The first three chests are unlocked every six kills and offer a portion of the Tear of the Raven armor. The other three unlock and give heavy rune attacks every ten kills. Players can track the crows by hearing them incessantly in the most unexpected places.

Svartarfheim Crow

God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations 1

  • Ovanga Wetlands: After exiting the Mystic Door, go left to a small camp and kill the crow on the mushroom rock.
  • Nidavellir: A crow perches next to the large watermill in the town square with the statue of Odin.
  • Watchtower: A crow flies around the deck of the tower and near one of the ghoul holes. God of War: Ragnarok.
  • Razven’s gear: The crow sits on the hook of a large crane.
  • Artyoff’s Rig: After climbing up the chain at the third rig location, a crow can be seen behind some logs.
  • Lyngbakr Island: After entering the gate near the Molotov cocktail, go right and follow the path past some destructible golden rocks to the legendary chest. Climb through the side hole and the crow will be on the left.
  • Furnace #1: The first Furnace Crow is flying around sidewalks and volcanic rocks after a train ride.
  • The Forge #2: Players can’t access this crow until later in the game when exploring higher mountains with Brock. The raven is above the golden chain leading to the great clock.
  • Applecore: Just before the gate to Tyr, one of the main Norse gods. God of War: Ragnarok On the left side of the game, past the side wall there is an area where a crow is perched next to the zipline.
  • Jain Smida Mine: After using the gold chain to reach the artifact, one of the crows can be seen by looking at the crane.
  • Alberich Hollow: Climb up Radsven’s gear, then go left a few turns to a dwarf statue. A raven can be seen behind the debris near the legendary chest.
  • Alberridge Island #1: Above and to the left of Son’s Soul in the higher part of the island, clear some debris to make the flying crow visible.
  • Alberridge Island #2: Follow the path of the first crow to the rocky gap near the location of the Lost Forest Dragon.
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alfheim crow

God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations 2

  • Strand: After exiting the Mystic Gate, follow the path to the Temple of Light and land near the Chest of Nonier (seen earlier in Svartarfheim). Players can see the crow on the dead tree from the stone bridge.
  • Temple of Light #1: Climb up the spiral staircase to the right of Alfheim’s Light. Jump to the left as soon as possible to enter a small area with crows and other goodies.
  • Temple of Light #2: There is a circular platform behind the Nonier chest. The crow is to the left of the crystal-covered stairs.
  • Canyon: Near Sindri’s shop, a crow is flying around the wooden door.
  • The Barrens #1: Stand to the right of the giant beast skull and aim for the eye socket of another giant skeleton.
  • The Barrens #2: Outside the Elven Temple (home of the mythical Light Elves), a crow sits on a dead tree on the left.
  • Forbidden Sands #1: Find the crow behind the southwest troll statue.
  • Forbidden Sands #2: A crow in the west flies around the statue of Freya.
  • Forbidden Sands #3: Near the Frost Phantom there is a raven fighting under the Pyramid of Rock on a Pillar.
  • Forbidden Sands #4: When players reach the Elven Library, they must destroy the debris blocking the entrance to the small space. The crow is inside.

all the crows in vanaheim

God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations 3

  • Southfall: After leaving the Mystery Gate, head left to a small lake where the crow flew over.there is one God of War: RagnarokThere is also the Tears of Hel near the Mystic Gate.
  • Camp Frey: Go through the gate to the Eastern Woods. A crow approaches a large, glowing blue circle.
  • Abandoned Village: The crow is perched on a tree on top of the statue near the main building.
  • Delta #1: After completing the puzzle, players can reach the Legendary Chest at Pilgrim’s Landing. The crow is on the left.
  • Covered Passage: Once you reach the top, hit the crow near the hanging skeleton.
  • River Delta #2: The crow is located on a tree root above the river, accessible by walking through a sheltered passage.
  • Goddess Falls: The crow is flying near the Triple Falls near the boat dock.
  • Eastern Barry Forest: Along the path behind Nonier’s chest, players can find this crow sitting on a tree knot.
  • Jungle: This is in the same area as one of Yggdrasil’s gems. The crow sits on top of a red box on Ogre Island.
  • Plains #1: After completing Boon: River Return, take the boat near the left entrance to the Jungle. A crow sits on the edge of a rocky cliff.
  • Plains #2: Head west of Frozen Lightning to find the crow on the beach.
  • Plains #3: Northwest of the Mystic Gate is the area where players complete their dragon hunt. The crow is located inside a large hole at the edge of the area.
  • Plains #4: In the northwest part of the plains, there is a crow in the crack under the red box.
  • Plains #5: There is a crow on the cliff opposite the blacksmith shop to the east.
  • Sinkhole: At the end of the river beyond Berserker Tombstone (a challenge that heavy rune attacks can help overcome), there is a crow on a cliff.
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Ravens of Midgard

God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations 4

  • Abandoned Outpost #1: After climbing up a fallen log, the crow can be seen sitting under a blue boat with a corpse on it, before the gold chain.
  • Abandoned Outpost #2: Past the shop and swing jump, a crow perched on a wooden post.
  • Urd’s Well: On the top of the hill west of the lake, after talking to the norn, the player can see a crow perched on some ruins.
  • Paddlers: After defeating the enemies in the first room, climb up the wall behind the Nonier Chest in Midgard and pull a large chain to open the area. From there, the Raven can be found on the cliff to the right of the statue.
  • Nine Lakes #1: The Raven can be found in a small ice cave in the south wall of the Temple of Tyr.
  • Nine Lakes #2: Catch the crow on the large chain before entering the raider hideout to the east.

Helheim & Muspelheim Crows

God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations 5

  • Helgrind #1: The crow flies in a circle to the right of the mysterious door.
  • Helgrind #2: This raven is located above a knowledge token near the mysterious door leading to Hel’s Perch.
  • The Furnace of Surt: Upon arriving in Muspelheim with the restored Realm Seed, players can find a crow in the archway to the right of the lava flow across from the furnace.
  • Burning Cliffs: Players can follow the path of the Mystic Gate to the Legendary Chest and the Raven.

After finding all of Odin’s ravens, players will be faced with the following challenge: God of War: Ragnarok With new armor and new skills.

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God of War: Ragnarok

  • God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations 6 god of war ragnarok

    Series: God of War

    Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

    Release time: 2022-11-09

    Developer: Santa Monica Studios

    Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

    Genre: Adventure, Action

    ESRB: M

    Summary: Ragnarok is now available in God of War Ragnarok, the sequel to the best game of 2018 released on PlayStation 4. Three years on, Kratos and his son Atreus complete their mission across the Realms while facing off against a handful of Norsemen. god. However, their actions have consequences. Odin, the father of the gods, prepares for vengeance, and his son Thor leads the charge. Hoping to find more answers about his mother’s lineage, Atreus embarks on another quest with his father to discover the truth while battling the wrath of the kingdom of Odin, the conclusion of the Norse God of War saga.

    How long to beat: 26 hours

    Prequel: God of War

Links: God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations – Tekmonk Bio, God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations – Kungfutv, God of War: Ragnarök – All Odin’s Ravens Locations – Blogtomoney

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