
Groenewegen, sprint is convincing to the dagsucces in the Tour of the UAE

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Dylan Groenewegen on Wednesday in the fourth stage of the Tour of the United Arab Emirates, have convincingly won the game. He knocked out all of the fast men i

Dylan Groenewegen on Wednesday in the fourth stage of the Tour of the United Arab Emirates, have convincingly won the game. He knocked out all of the fast men in the peloton.

It was the first win at the WorldTour for Groenewegen in the year. Before I won the 26-year-old, originally from Amsterdam, though two of the stages in the Tour of the city.

in The first stage, the Jumbo-Visma continued the sprint, starting from the sixth position and knocked out the number two to Fernando Gaviria with one fietslengte a difference. Pascal Ackermann (third), Sam Bennett (fourth), and Caleb Ewan (the fifth) didn’t come close to the profit margin. With Mark Cavendish, Arnaud Démare, there are a lot of germany attended the course in the Middle East and so on.

The fourth stage of the Tour of the United Arab Emirates, with start and finish in Dubai, the peloton is about 173 km. In spite of the strong wind, was wearing the leader’s jersey to Adam Yates on the completely flat course is not currently at risk.

The World Will See, and the Serb, Veljko Stojnic decided early on in the attack. With 7.5 km to go was the Pull-Segafredo-rider, to See if the last two are related, allowing for the almost inevitable bunch sprint became a reality.

#UAETour – after Stage 4 – Top-10.

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AvatarAuteurlaflammerouge16Moment of plaatsen12:41 pm – February 26, 2020 Round of the United Arab Emirates, and ends on Saturday Sunday in the first leg, got Groenewegen is still in fourth place. The bunch sprint was won by the German Ackermann of the CHARGE-bath.

Thursday is the final mountain stage in a WorldTour race, and on Friday and Saturday, again, chances for the sprinters in the flat stages.

Date Of Update: 26 February 2020, 14:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Groenewegen, sprint is convincing to the dagsucces in the Tour of the UAE – Tekmonk Bio, Groenewegen, sprint is convincing to the dagsucces in the Tour of the UAE – Kungfutv, Groenewegen, sprint is convincing to the dagsucces in the Tour of the UAE – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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