
Hadrien Ghomi Wiki, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Education, Political Career, Height & More

Hadrien Ghomi Wiki, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Education, Political Career, Height & More - networth, wiki, biography
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Hadrien Ghomi Wiki:- Hadrien Ghomi is a Member of the National Assembly of France. Hadrien is a graduate with a master’s degree in public careers from Sciences Po Lille in 2012.

In this blog, you’ll read about Hadrien Ghomi Wiki, Biography, age, net worth, height, weight, birthplace, education, nationality, political party & More.

Hadrien Ghomi Age

Hadrien was born on 6 April 1989, his birthplace is Nogent-sur-Marne, France. According to his birth date, Hadrien is 33 years old now, and his zodiac sign is not known.

Hadrien Ghomi Education

Hadrien is a graduate with a master’s degree in public careers from Sciences Po Lille in 2012, a master’s degree in political studies from EHESS, and a degree from IRIS Sup’. Hadrien also holds a master’s degree in law public obtained at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

Hadrien Ghomi Biography

Full NameHadrien Ghomi
ProfessionFrench Politician
Date of Birth 6 April 1989
Birth PlaceNogent-sur-Marne, France
Age33 years old
Education QualificationMaster’s degree in public careers
In OfficeSince 22 June 2022 (5 months and 26 days)
PredecessorJean-Michel Fauvergue
Political PartyPS political party (until 2016) and LREM (since 2016)
Zodiac SignN/A

Hadrien Ghomi Political Background

In May 2012, Hadrien became a parliamentary collaborator of François Patriot, senator of Côte-d’Or, and president of Burgundy.

When Senator François Patriot took over as head of the LaREM-RDPI group in 2017, he became the secretary general of this senatorial group.

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During the legislative elections of 2022, he is a candidate in the 8th constituency of Seine-et-Marne under the label Ensemble. Arriving in the 2nd position in the first round with 30.61% of the vote against the NUPES candidate Arnaud Bonnet, he was elected deputy in the second round with 50.01% of the vote, with only four votes separating him from his opponent.

Hadrien’s Height & Weight

Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBrown

Hadrien Ghomi’s Net Worth

Hadrien is a french politician who has great wealth but his exact figure is not known.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Hadrien Ghomi Wiki, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Education, Political Career, Height & More – Tekmonk Bio, Hadrien Ghomi Wiki, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Education, Political Career, Height & More – Kungfutv, Hadrien Ghomi Wiki, Age, Biography, Net Worth, Education, Political Career, Height & More – Blogtomoney

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