
Holland, sings in the Cockpit, You can hear it in every bar in the Netherlands

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at Least ten Dutch artists will perform over the next week, at the Ziggo Dome during the eighth edition of the Holland sings Hazes. As with the previous edition

at Least ten Dutch artists will perform over the next week, at the Ziggo Dome during the eighth edition of the Holland sings Hazes. As with the previous editions of the series by 2020, it is completely sold out. Why are the concerts and the music in the Cockpit is so popular?

“In Holland, sings in the Cockpit, you stand to actually just be a really great pub,” said Barry Paf, radio dj at 100% NL. He has served as the opening act of the musical event. “You can see large groups of people to stand in the front, occasionally with a typical hat on in the Cockpit, which is all of the songs and sing along.”

In 2013, the first andré Hazes-concert series takes place. When it arrived, inter alia, Martijn Fischer, Trijntje Oosterhuis, Willeke Alberti, Berget Lewis, Ben Saunders, and Roxeanne and André Hazes Jr. it is a stage. A wide range of singers, which, for a couple of nights in their own genre of music afstapten to the aftermath of September to be played.

Music for all social classes, beyond “in the Cockpit and lifted the music to a higher level,” says the Device. “This genre often speaks to a certain group of people, but in the Cockpit and had an amazing voice and musical range. During a random pub on a Saturday night and you’ll hear in the Cockpit. It has been like this since the mid-eighties.”

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“Everyone has their own memories of the songs of André Hazes” – Emile Wennekes, professor of Music,

, According to a professor of music theory, and Emile Wennekes, University of Utrecht, goes well beyond the music, the Cockpit, all the social layers and classes. “Whether you are a painter on a scaffold to get the job done, or are you, as a teacher, to lecture, everyone has their own memories of the songs of André Hazes.”

the Cockpit was out of three elements, ” says Wennekes. “He wrote the text which will go back into a recognized-and what to do when everyone is in a association with a call. That he set in syllabic manner, honed on the often-existing music, each syllable gets its own note. And it ‘ fit ‘ better when it is between a minor and a flat major and movements from one key to another. Think about the Blood, Sweat, and Tears, or that They Believe in Me.”

strong> a Duet with a hologram In Holland, sings in the Cockpit, the singer in spiritual stature to be present. Last year, sang for the André Hazes Jr. along with a lot of his father’s song, a Little Boy, and this year, Roxeanne is the same with I’m Sorry. “It gives you a fair sense of authenticity, allowing you to be immersed in the experience,” says Wennekes. “You are standing with the 15,000 people singing, and hossen at the biggest pub in the Netherlands.

“During this concert, you will experience a tremendous sense of togetherness,” says the Device. “It’s as if, when We Love the Orange came out in the CHAMPIONSHIP. It’s been a powerful song that will always remain relevant. When I go to the public to take a look, I see young and old people, who are all able to sing along to. Each time a new generation discovered the song again.”

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Date Of Update: 04 March 2020, 18:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Holland, sings in the Cockpit, You can hear it in every bar in the Netherlands – Tekmonk Bio, Holland, sings in the Cockpit, You can hear it in every bar in the Netherlands – Kungfutv, Holland, sings in the Cockpit, You can hear it in every bar in the Netherlands – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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