
Horimiya Season 2 Release Date and Time, Countdown, When Is It Coming Out?

Horimiya Season 2 Release Date and Time, Countdown, When Is It Coming Out? - networth, wiki, biography
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Horimiya Season 2 Release Date and Time: Horimiya Season 2 will be released soon. Most of the fans and they have been curious to know the release date, time, cast and other details of Horimiya Season 2. We have updated all information about Horimiya Season 2 on this page. Don’t miss out on the news – subscribe to NEWSTARS Education now! From the latest celebrity news to insightful movie reviews, be the first to know and engage with the ever-evolving world of entertainment on NEWSTARS Education.

Horimiya Season 2 Release Date and Time

Horimiya is one of the most popular Japanese anime television series, which was originally released on January 10, 2021. This series gained a lot of popularity after its premiere of only a few episodes, and now it has a new season, Season 2. Fans are very excited about this Horimiya Season 2 and are anxious to know when the Horimiya Season 2 release date is. Well, Horimiya Season 2 is expected to be released on July 1, 2023.

Horimiya Season 2 Review

Season name


Season number

Season 2


Comedy and drama

Directed by

Masashi Ishihama


Takao Yoshioka

Music author

Masaru Yokoyama

Horimiya initial release date

January 10, 2021

Horimiya Season 2 Release Date

July 1, 2023

Horimiya Season 2 Characters

Haruka Tomatsu and Kouki Uchiyama

When is it coming out?

Horimiya Season 2 was released on July 1, 2023. Horimiya Season 2 is currently one of the most popular series with episodes coming out one after the other. The interesting plot of Horimiya Season 2 can be attributed to one of the main reasons why this series has been able to gain so much popularity that has caused fans to look for Horimiya Season 2, as discussed in the above section.

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Horimiya Season 2 Cast

  • Haruka Tomatsu as Kyouko Hori
  • Kouki Uchiyama as Izumi Miyamura
  • Yurie Kozakai as Yuki Yoshikawa
  • Reina Kondou as Sakura Kouno
  • Momo Asakura as Honoka Sawada
  • Jun Fukuyama as ShuuIura
  • Jun Fukuyama as Akane Yanagi
  • Jin Suzuki as Ishikawa Toru
  • Seiichirou Yamashita as Toru Ishikawa
  • Mao Ichimichi as Remi Ayasaki

Horimiya season 2 announcement

Return to the World of Horimiya: A Peek at the Season 2 Story

“Hori Kyoko and Miyamura Izumi are the main characters of the anime “Horimiya,” where they attend the same high school while hiding their true selves from their peers. Miyamura, who is introverted and geeky, enjoys living an adventurous life outside of school, dressed in a punk style with tattoos and earrings. On the other hand, Hori is a popular and well-liked student who takes care of her younger brother Souta while dressing casually. When they meet unexpectedly outside of school, they agree to keep secrets from each other.

As the story progresses, they develop feelings for each other and eventually confess their love. Their friends approve and support their relationship, and in the last episode they are seen graduating together. If “Horimiya” is renewed for a second season, we might see a continuation of Kyoko and Miyamura’s romance, but a new plot will be needed because the source material was exhausted in the first season.”

Horimiya Season 2 Featured

The second season of Horimiya features Haruka Tomatsu and Kouki Uchiyama. There are other characters in the movie as mentioned above, so enjoy watching the movie with your family and friends. The film’s release date is listed above along with cast and trailer information. Horimiya Season 2 is one such series that has been on the must-watch list of many of these viewers.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Horimiya Season 2 Release Date and Time, Countdown, When Is It Coming Out? – Tekmonk Bio, Horimiya Season 2 Release Date and Time, Countdown, When Is It Coming Out? – Kungfutv, Horimiya Season 2 Release Date and Time, Countdown, When Is It Coming Out? – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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