
How much ISRO has spent on Chandrayaan 3 India Lunar Mission? Check Cost Here

How much ISRO has spent on Chandrayaan 3 India Lunar Mission? Check Cost Here - networth, wiki, biography
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All eyes have turned to India with the launch of Chandrayaan-3. The mission, which is a follow-on to Chandrayaan-2, will attempt to soft-land on the lunar surface and deploy a rover. If successful, India will become one of the elite nations to have landed on the Moon. Only three countries have been able to achieve this milestone – the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China. 

With the launch of Chandrayaan-3 on July 14, 2023, India is expecting to make history by becoming the first country to land a craft on the South Pole of the Moon, which has remained scarcely unexplored. The craft is scheduled to soft land on the lunar surface on August 23 at around 06:35 PM. 

How much does Chandrayaan-3 cost?

According to the former Chairman of ISRO, K Sivan, the total cost of Chandrayaan-3 is Rs. 615 crore. The lander, rover, and propulsion cost around Rs. 215 crore and the launch costs around Rs. 365 crore. The mission has an estimated total cost of around $74 million. 

Chandrayaan-3 costs less than many blockbuster films, according to Forbes, such as “The Martian” ($108 million) and “The Interstellar” ($145 million). To put things in perspective, even the Hindi film “Aadipurush” (estimated at $88 million) had a higher budget than the highly ambitious lunar mission.

One important thing to note is that the budget of Chandrayaan-3 is lesser than that of Chandrayaan-2, which had a budget of $96.5 million. The total cost of the mission was Rs. 978 crore. Unfortunately, Chandrayaan-2 lost all communications just hours before its lander was supposed to soft launch on Moon and ultimately crashed. 

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However, this time ISRO has opted for a failure-proof model instead of a success-based model to ensure that India writes its name on history book pages by becoming the first nation to land on the South pole of the Moon. 

Also Read – Chandrayaan 3: What are the Roles of Lander Vikram and Rover Pragyan?

At what time Chandrayaan-3 will Land on the Moon?

Chandrayaan-3 is expected to land on the lunar surface on August 23 at around 18:35 Hrs (IST). The live streaming of Vikram Lander’s descent will begin at 17:20 Hrs. 

Chandrayaan-3 Mission:The mission is on schedule. Systems are undergoing regular checks.Smooth sailing is continuing.

The Mission Operations Complex (MOX) is buzzed with energy & excitement!

The live telecast of the landing operations at MOX/ISTRAC begins at 17:20 Hrs. IST…

— ISRO (@isro)
August 22, 2023

The lunar mission has not only captured the attention of the global space community but has also sparked a renewed sense of national pride among Indians. As India continues to make significant strides in its space exploration endeavors, the world eagerly awaits the groundbreaking discoveries and advancements that Chandrayaan-3 is expected to bring.

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Links: How much ISRO has spent on Chandrayaan 3 India Lunar Mission? Check Cost Here – Tekmonk Bio, How much ISRO has spent on Chandrayaan 3 India Lunar Mission? Check Cost Here – Kungfutv, How much ISRO has spent on Chandrayaan 3 India Lunar Mission? Check Cost Here – Blogtomoney

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