
How to Defeat Dr. Slone in Fortnite Season 7

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Dr. Slone is one of the new NPC bosses available in Fortnite. Fortnite changes its theme with every season, and Dr. Slone is front and center the moment players begin Season 7. She is acting as one of the leaders against the alien invasion with characters like Rick Sanchez of Rick and Morty. The main reason players will want to take her down is because of her powerful Mythic Rifle. Fans who have played the last few Fortnite seasons know that taking out one of the NPC bosses can be pretty challenging due to their higher health pools.

There are tons of AI that players deal with in Fortnite Season 7. Apart from Dr. Slone, players will face off against IO Guards hidden within their fortresses and Trespassers with UFOs that can abduct players in tractor beams. For those looking to challenge Dr. Slone, they might want to do it in Team Rumble. This is typically the game mode players choose if they want to complete challenges more easily. However, if they want to access Dr. Slone’s Mythic Rifle for the main battle royale, then playing the normal game modes will be more beneficial. Here is how players can defeat Dr. Slone and get her Mythic Rifle in Fortnite Season 7.

How To Beat Dr. Slone in Fortnite Season 7

Players will find Dr. Slone in Corny Complex in Fortnite Season 7. To locate her, they can head to the red farmhouse and find a deep underground connection of tunnels. At the center of this network, players will find Dr. Slone. Before heading to this location, players will want at least two weapons, one for close-range combat like a Shotgun and one for long-range combat like an Assault Rifle. It will also help to pick up shields and healing items as well since the fight can be challenging.

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Dr. Slone has more HP than a normal NPC in Fortnite Season 7. When engaging, players should aim for headshots and build when needed to block her shots. The real threat will be other players who will try and eliminate Dr. Slone first. That’s why going after Dr. Slone in Team Rumble Mode will be much easier than the normal battle royale. It might take a few attempts, but once players defeat her, they will collect her Mythic Rifle.

Fortnite is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

Links: How to Defeat Dr. Slone in Fortnite Season 7 – Tekmonk Bio, How to Defeat Dr. Slone in Fortnite Season 7 – Kungfutv, How to Defeat Dr. Slone in Fortnite Season 7 – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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