
How to favorite weapons in Starfield

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You will spend a significant part of your time in Star field exploring its vast universe of planets and finding new and exciting flora, fauna and treasures. However, more often than you think, you’ll have to engage in some old-fashioned gunfights using the game’s wide variety of weapons. This means you’ll want to be able to change your favorite weapon on the fly so you’re always using the best gun for the situation you’re in. However, Starfield doesn’t offer the traditional one-button weapon swap option, so you’ll need to add the desired weapon to your favorites bar. Here’s how to do it.

What a favorite weapon in Starfield

You can drag your favorites bar at any time by selecting Q on the computer or by pressing any direction on D-Pad on Xbox. You can assign various items here, including weapons – and you’ll want to. Without adding your desired weapon to this bar, you will have to completely pause the game and access the inventory menu every time you want to switch weapons, which can be quite a chore.

To add a weapon to your favorites bar, go to your inventory and open yours list of weapons, then select the weapon you want to add and select Favorite button/key listed in the lower right corner of this screen. From here you can choose which part of your favorites bar you want to put the weapon in. Place it where you feel it will be easiest for you, and then you can switch to that weapon at any point during the battle. Of course, feel free to add other useful items to your favorites bar!

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Links: How to favorite weapons in Starfield – Tekmonk Bio, How to favorite weapons in Starfield – Kungfutv, How to favorite weapons in Starfield – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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