
How to quickly gain followers in Cult of the Lamb

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Adding new followers to your cult is a key aspect The Cult of the Lamb. Not only do followers help strengthen you and aid your camp, but they are also directly related to your progress in the main story. But if a few of you have died of old age (or you got too excited after learning about sacrifices), you’re probably looking for a quick way to increase your followers. Whether you’re just starting out or getting ready for the endgame, here are a few ways to quickly gain followers on The Cult of the Lamb.

Further reading

Rescuing followers during the Crusades

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This is probably the most common way to get new followers. While on crusade, you will often come across a follower captured by your enemies. Defeat the enemies and you will be able to free the follower and add him to your cult. When planning your crusade route, keep an eye out for icons that indicate a follower needs help — they’re easy to spot because they look like sticks with arms in the air. Collect as many of these rooms as possible to get a bunch of followers.

Defeat the mini-boss

Before fighting the heretics you will have to eliminate several mini-bosses. Defeat them and you will be rewarded with a new follower. This means that working through the main quest is a great way to increase your followers. It works best at low levels (because the mini-bosses are pretty easy), but high level players can still use this method if they’re up for the challenge.

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Buy followers from Helob

How to quickly gain followers in Cult of the Lamb 1Image used with permission of the copyright holder

At the start of the game, you’ll unlock Helob — a lovable purple spider who likes to capture (and eat) potential followers. Almost every day they will have a new follower trapped in their web, and Helob will happily sell them to you in exchange for some gold. Even better, occasionally Helob will feel generous and give you a follower for free. Talk to the spider every day to gain followers easily. Helob is conveniently located on the right side of the dungeon room.

Accept missions for your current followers

Existing followers are a bit demanding and will often ask you to complete a mission for them. Most of them simply create a bit of faith for your cult. However, if you’re lucky, you’ll receive a quest that results in a new follower. There’s no way to force followers to give you these quests, so you’ll just have to make sure you talk to your followers daily and stay open to whatever they offer you. This one is a bit hit or miss, but it’s a great way to randomly add a new follower to your cult.

Daily routine to gain followers fast

How to quickly gain followers in Cult of the Lamb 2Image used with permission of the copyright holder

While a lot of this is down to luck, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of gaining new followers. Here’s a basic routine that should work for most players during the first half of the game.

  • Check followers’ tasks as soon as they wake up in the morning. This is also a good time to clean up your camp and cook some food before you go on a crusade.
  • Talk to Helob. They will likely have a follower up for grabs and are a great way to add at least one follower to your cult every day.
  • Go on a crusade. During the Crusade, choose a route that will take you through rooms containing followers (indicated by a stick icon).
  • Defeat the mini-boss. Successfully complete your crusade to gain a follower.
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If you’re lucky, going through this routine every day will net you at least three followers (one from Helob, one rescued from Crusade, and one from the mini-boss). On a good day you can catch more, but most days expect only one or two to be available.

Editor’s recommendations

Categories: GAMING

Links: How to quickly gain followers in Cult of the Lamb – Tekmonk Bio, How to quickly gain followers in Cult of the Lamb – Kungfutv, How to quickly gain followers in Cult of the Lamb – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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