
How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode

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It’s time to reveal who is singing under that mask in the new season of The Masked Singer, which premiered on Wednesday, February 15. This marks the ninth season of the hit reality show, where celebrities sing while wearing costumes to conceal their identities. The head-to-toe costumes range from animals and mythological creatures to flowers and fairy tale characters.

The Masked Singer returns its familiar panel of judges, which includes Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, Nicole Scherzinger, and Ken Jeong. Nick Cannon also returns as the host.

Find out how to watch the latest season of The Masked Singer below!

Watch The Masked Singer on Fox

Image used with permission by copyright holder

The most convenient way to watch The Masked Singer is on Fox. The show can be streamed on by logging in with your cable provider. Check your local listings for when The Masked Singer airs in your area.

Watch The Masked Singer on Fox

Watch The Masked Singer on Hulu

How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode 1Image used with permission by copyright holder

While The Masked Singer does not air live episodes on Hulu, new episodes air the next day after their premiere on Fox. The ad-supported tier of Hulu costs $8 a month or $80 a year, while ad-free Hulu costs $15 a month.

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To watch live episodes of The Masked Singer on Hulu, subscribers will need Hulu + Live TV. There are two subscription options for Hulu + Live TV, and both offer additional services. Hulu (with ads) + Live TV costs $70 per month and includes Disney+ (with ads) and ESPN+ (with ads). Hulu (no ads) + Live TV costs $83 per month and includes Disney+ (no ads) and ESPN+ (with ads).

Watch The Masked Singer on Sling TV 

How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode 2Sling

To watch The Masked Singer on Sling TV, there are two packages: Orange and Blue. Both cost $40 a month. Subscribers can combine Orange and Blue for $55 per month. Plus, Sling TV offers half-off pricing for the first month. However, Fox is only available in select markets, so check to see if Fox is included in your package.

Watch The Masked Singer on FuboTV 

How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode 3Phil Nickinson/Digital Trends

FuboTV has four plans: Pro Quarterly, Elite Quarterly, Premiere Quarterly, and Latino Quarterly. The first three range from $70 to $100 per month. Latino Quarterly starts at $25 per month.

Watch The Masked Singer on YouTube TV 

How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode 4Phil Nickinson/Digital Trends

To stream The Masked Singer on YouTube TV, the service costs $65 per month. That price drops to $55 per month for the first three months.

Watch The Masked Singer abroad with a VPN

How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode 5NordVPN

For Americans traveling abroad, streaming services can be hard to use because they lock access based on the location of your current IP. To avoid this, use a VPN, or virtual private network. VPNs will assign a new, remote IP address to connect to a server within the U.S. Try using a VPN service like NordVPN, which has a free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee for new customers.

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Categories: GAMING

Links: How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode – Tekmonk Bio, How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode – Kungfutv, How to watch The Masked Singer: stream the latest episode – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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