
ICC World Cup 2023 Eden Gardens, Kolkata: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time

ICC World Cup 2023 Eden Gardens, Kolkata: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time - networth, wiki, biography
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World Cup 2023 Eden Gardens, Kolkata: The ICC ODI Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 will commence on October 5th. India is hosting the ODI World Cup for the very first time in more than a decade. The competition will take place in ten Indian cities, including Ahmedabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Lucknow, Dharamsala, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata.

In Kolkata, the World Cup matches will take place at Eden Gardens. Built in 1864, it is the oldest cricket stadium in India. Often referred to as the “Mecca of Indian Cricket” and “Cricket’s answer to the Colosseum,” Eden Gardens is the second-largest cricket stadium in the country and the third-largest in the world. The stadium is also considered the birth of Indian cricket and boasts a capacity to hold 68,000 spectators. 

Also Read | How to Book ICC World Cup 2023 Tickets Online?

ICC World Cup 2023 Eden Gardens, Kolkata Key Highlights 

Here are some key highlights of Eden Gardens:

Eden Gardens


Maidan, B.B.D Bagh, Kolkata, West Bengal 

Seating capacity



ICC ODI Men’s World Cup 2023

No. of matches held 



28 Oct, 31 Oct, 05 Nov, 11 Nov, and 16 Nov

Eden Gardens, Kolkata World Cup 2023 Match Schedule

A total of five matches will be held in Kolkata. Here is the schedule of the 2023 World Cup matches being held at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata.

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Date and Time (IST)

Bangladesh vs Netherlands

28 Oct at 02:00 PM

Bangladesh vs Pakistan

31 Oct at 02:00 PM

India vs South Africa

05 Nov at 02:00 PM

England vs Pakistan

11 Nov at 02:00 PM

Semi-Final II

16 Nov at 02:00 PM

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Cricket World Cup 2023 Tickets Price, Booking – Eden Gardens Kolkata

The Eden Gardens will host 5 ODI World Cup Matches. The sale of tickets for matches being held in Kolkata will begin on September 2. You can purchase the tickets via the official BookMyShow website.

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Here are the details of the ticket prices:

Available Seats

Ticket Prices

Block (F1, C1, D1, G1, H1, AND K1)

Rs. 650-800

Block (H and D)

Rs. 1000-1200

Block (K and C)

Rs. 1500-2000

Block L 

Rs. 1500-2000

The ticket prices will vary depending on the date and the teams playing on a particular date. The sale of tickets has now begun. Please register yourselves at to secure your positions. 

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Links: ICC World Cup 2023 Eden Gardens, Kolkata: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Tekmonk Bio, ICC World Cup 2023 Eden Gardens, Kolkata: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Kungfutv, ICC World Cup 2023 Eden Gardens, Kolkata: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Blogtomoney

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