
ICC World Cup 2023 Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time

ICC World Cup 2023 Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time - networth, wiki, biography
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World Cup 2023 Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune: The ICC ODI Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 will commence on October 5th. India is hosting the ODI World Cup for the very first time in more than a decade. The competition will take place in ten Indian cities, including Ahmedabad, Pune, Mumbai, Pune, Lucknow, Dharamsala, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata.

In Pune, the World Cup matches will take place at Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium. Inaugurated in 2007 along the Pune-Mumbai expressway, the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium was built by an English architect, Michael Hopkins. The stadium is designed like a “deep bowl.” With a seating capacity of 37,400, the stadium will host 5 matches in the upcoming ODI World Cup 2023.

ICC World Cup 2023 Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune Key Highlights 

Here are some key highlights of Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium:

Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium


Gahunje, Pune, Maharashtra,

Seating capacity



ICC ODI Men’s World Cup 2023

No. of matches held 



19 Oct, 30 Oct, 01 Nov, 08 Nov, and 11 Nov

Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium, Pune World Cup 2023 Match Schedule

A total of five matches will be held in Pune. Here is the schedule of the 2023 World Cup matches being held at the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium in Pune.

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Date and Time (IST)

India vs Bangladesh

19 Oct at 02:00 PM

Afghanistan vs Sri Lanka

30 Oct at 02:00 PM

New Zealand vs South Africa

01 Nov at 02:00 PM

England vs Netherlands

08 Nov at 02:00 PM

Australia vs Bangladesh

11 Nov at 10:30 AM

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Cricket World Cup 2023 Tickets Price, Booking – Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium Pune

The Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium will host 5 ODI World Cup Matches. The sale of tickets for matches being held in Pune will begin on August 31. You can purchase the tickets via the official portal of ICC. 

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Here are the details of the ticket prices:

Available Seats

Ticket Prices

North East Stand

Rs. 1750

South East Stand

Rs. 1750

East Stand

Rs. 3500

West Stand

Rs. 3500

South West Stand  

Rs. 7500

North West Stand  

Rs. 5000


Registration for buying tickets will begin on August 25. The BCCI is advising cricket fans to register themselves on the official website, so that they can secure a position and buy tickets hassle-free. 

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: ICC World Cup 2023 Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Tekmonk Bio, ICC World Cup 2023 Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Kungfutv, ICC World Cup 2023 Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Blogtomoney

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