
ICC World Cup 2023 Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time

ICC World Cup 2023 Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time - networth, wiki, biography
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World Cup 2023 Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai:  Situated in the vibrant city of Mumbai, India, the Wankhede Stadium stands as an iconic international cricket venue and thus will be hosting the semi-final of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 as well. It underwent a substantial transformation ahead of the 2011 Cricket World Cup, culminating in an adjusted seating capacity of 33,108 spectators. This figure marked a notable reduction from its previous capacity of approximately 45,000 before the extensive renovations.

Check – ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 Tickets: Price, Sale Start Date and How to Book India vs Pakistan Match Ticket

Cricket World Cup 2023 Tickets Price, Booking – Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai

The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has officially designated BookMyShow, a premier entertainment hub in India, as the exclusive Ticketing Platform for the highly anticipated ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023, and the ticket booking has started.

The sale of ICC Cricket World Cup tickets and their prices for the Wankhede Stadium has been announced for the following fixtures:








Sat, 21 Oct ’23

2:00 PM

20th Match (D/N)


England vs South Africa

Match is yet to begin

Rs 1000- Rs10000

Tue, 24 Oct ’23

2:00 PM

23rd Match (D/N)


Bangladesh vs South Africa

Match is yet to begin

RS 1000 – RS10000

Tue, 07 Nov ’23

2:00 PM

39th Match (D/N)


Afghanistan vs Australia

Match is yet to begin

RS 1000 – RS10000

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The Ticket prices will vary from stand to stand and the range has been given above. The ticket as mentioned above will go on sale on BookMyShow. You can book your tickets for Wankhede Stadium here.

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Wankhede Stadium World Cup 2023 Match Key Highlights

Throughout its storied history, the stadium has graced the stage of numerous prestigious cricket encounters. Among these, the standout event was undeniably the gripping finale of the 2011 Cricket World Cup. During this momentous match, India emerged triumphant over Sri Lanka, etching their name in history as the inaugural nation to secure a World Cup victory on their own turf.

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Moreover, the stadium played a fitting backdrop to the swansong of Sachin Tendulkar’s illustrious international career, adding another layer of significance to its legacy. Some Key highlights on Wankhede Stadium about The ICC World Cup 2023:

Wankhede Stadium


Churchgate, Mumbai, India

Seating capacity



ICC ODI Men’s World Cup 2023

No. of matches held 


Date For ICC World Cup Matches 

21 October, 24 October, 02 November, 07 November, 15 November. 

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Full Schedule of ICC World Cup Matches at Wankhede

As mentioned above a total of 5 matches of ICC World Cup 2023 will be played at the Wankhede Stadium including one Semi-Final as well. Here is the full schedule of matches to be played at the iconic stadium.







Sat, 21 Oct ’23

2:00 PM

20th Match (D/N)


England vs South Africa

Match is yet to begin

Tue, 24 Oct ’23

2:00 PM

23rd Match (D/N)


Bangladesh vs South Africa

Match is yet to begin

Thu, 02 Nov ’23

2:00 PM

33rd Match (D/N)


India vs Sri Lanka

Match is yet to begin

Tue, 07 Nov ’23

2:00 PM

39th Match (D/N)


Afghanistan vs Australia

Match is yet to begin

Wed, 15 Nov ’23

2:00 PM

1st Semi-Final (D/N)



Match is yet to begin

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Keep checking BookMyShow to buy tickets for the remainder of the matches.


Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: ICC World Cup 2023 Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Tekmonk Bio, ICC World Cup 2023 Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Kungfutv, ICC World Cup 2023 Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai: Ticket, Schedule, Match Date and Time – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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