
ICSI to conduct CS Professional exam under new syllabus in June 2024, check details here

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ICSI to conduct CS Professional exam under new syllabus

ICSI CS Exams 2024: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) will conduct the first examination under the ICSI new syllabus 2022 for the CS professional programme in June 2024. Those who have registered till July 31 will be assessed under the old syllabus -2017 and those registered on or after August 1 will be examined under the new syllabus 2022. 

However, those students who have registered under the old syllabus 2017 can also apply for switchover. They will be required to pay the pretest fee again under syllabus 2022. The activation of the switchover will be done on November 21. The last attempt to appear under syllabus 2017 syllabus is December 2024.

CS Professional New Syllabus

As per the new syllabus of ICSI CS Professional, the seven subjects split into two groups under the new syllabus 2022 is given in the table below: 

Group 1

Group 2

531 – Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) – Principles and Practice

535 – Strategic Management & Corporate Finance (Paper code)

532 – Drafting, Pleadings and Appearances

536 – Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency (Paper code)

533 – Compliance Management, Audit and Due Diligence

Elective 2 – Select one paper out of 5 elective papers

Elective 1 – Select one paper out of 4 elective papers

CS Professional Elective Papers

Students who have registered under the CS Professional new syllabus 2022 will have to complete a pre-exam test before enrolling for the CS Main examinations: 

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Elective paper group 1

Elective paper group 2

541- CSR and Social Governance

551 – Arbitration, Mediation andConciliation

542 – Internal and Forensic Audit

552 – Goods and Services Tax (GST) and corporate Tax Planning

543 – Intellectual Property Rights – Law and Practice

553 – Labour Laws and Practice

544 – Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Cyber Security – Laws & Practice

554 – Banking and Insurance – Laws and Practice

555 – Insolvency and Bankruptcy – Law and Practice

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Links: ICSI to conduct CS Professional exam under new syllabus in June 2024, check details here – Tekmonk Bio, ICSI to conduct CS Professional exam under new syllabus in June 2024, check details here – Kungfutv, ICSI to conduct CS Professional exam under new syllabus in June 2024, check details here – Blogtomoney

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