
If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley

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COUNTDOWN co-host Rachel Riley has vowed to stop supporting Manchester United if they welcome back Mason Greenwood.

The keen Red Devils fan has spoken out as the Premier League club prepares to end the ex-England striker’s suspension in days.


Rachel Riley has threatened to quit supporting Manchester UnitedIf Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 1If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 2


A decision on Mason Greenwood’s United future is about to be announcedCredit: GettyIf Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 3If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 4


Protests over the club’s approach were held outside Old Trafford on MondayCredit: Getty

Channel 4’s Countdown co-host Rachel posted on Twitter: “I won’t be able to support United if Greenwood remains at the club.”

Her comments came after The Sun revealed how Greenwood is expected to be reinstated at United as early as next week.

Greenwood, 21, hasn’t played for the first team since being arrested in January last year for attempted rape, assault and coercive control.

All charges against him were dropped in February but the footballer remains suspended by United.

There has, however, been recent talk suggesting a possible return from their head coach Erik ten Hag.

Members of Manchester United Women’s team have reportedly raised concerns about the prospect of Greenwood returning to the training ground.

And protests were staged at Old Trafford before United’s opening match of the season against Wolverhampton Wanderers last Monday.

Former Strictly Come Dancing contestant Rachel, 37, was responding to broadcast comments from another female United fan, named Em, saying she would “walk away from my club” if Greenwood returned.

Rachel told her 684,000 Twitter followers: “I’m with Em, I won’t be able to support United if Greenwood remains at the club.

“We’ve all seen and heard enough. Pretending this is ok would be a huge part of the problem.

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“It would be devastating for my club to contribute to a culture that brushes this under the carpet and send a message to perpetrators everywhere that you can continue to act as you wish with no consequences.

“I really hope they do the right thing.”


Essex-born Rachel has previously shown her love of United in Instagram posts including visits to Old Trafford to cheer them on.

She also revealed how she kitted out daughter Maven in team colours aged just eight months old.

Rachel even combined presenting duties with watching them in action thanks to an out-of-shot TV behind the Countdown board.

She also used her Twitter account to criticise United fans who flew a banner above a match mocking then-club chief Ed Woodward.

Greenwood, suspended on full pay of £75,000 a week, has been training alone – following drills drawn up by United’s coaching staff.

His last game was on January 22, 2022, in a Premier League clash against West Ham United, which United won 1-0.

He was charged in October last year and was due to stand trial in November this year.

But prosecutors withdrew the case on February 2 after his alleged victim and a dozen more witnesses refused to co-operate.

United’s chief executive Richard Arnold is expected to make a decision on Greenwood’s future over the next 48 hours.

But the announcement will be delayed until after the England Lionesses’ World Cup final this Sunday against Spain.

Bradford-born Greenwood has scored 35 goals in 129 appearances for Manchester United, having joined the club as a six-year-old.

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He was given his England debut by manager Gareth Southgate as a late substitute against Iceland in September 2020, though has not played for the country since.


United said in a statement yesterday the club had completed “a thorough investigation” into the allegations against Greenwood.

They added: “This has drawn on extensive evidence and context not in the public domain.

“We have heard from numerous people with direct involvement or knowledge of the case.”

United said the welfare of his alleged victim had been at the forefront of the internal investigation.

But the statement went on: “We also have responsibilities to Mason as an employee, as a young person who has been with the club since the age of seven, and as a new father with a partner. 

“The fact-finding phase of our investigation is now complete, and we are in the final stages of making a decision on Mason’s future. 

“Contrary to media speculation, that decision has not yet been made and is currently the subject of intensive internal deliberation.

“This has been a difficult case for everyone associated with Manchester United, and we understand the strong opinions it has provoked based on the partial evidence in the public domain. 

“We ask for patience as we work through the final stages of this carefully considered process.”

If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 5If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 6


Rachel says she will no longer support United if they allow Greenwood backCredit: GettyIf Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 7If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 8


Rachel has shared on Instagram photos showing her love of the clubIf Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 9If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 10


The Countdown co-host has urged Old Trafford bosses to ‘do the right thing’If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 11If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley 12


Greenwood was cleared of all charges against him in FebruaryCredit: AFP

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Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley – Tekmonk Bio, If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley – Kungfutv, If Mason Greenwood stays at Man Utd I’ll stop supporting the club, says Channel 4 star Rachel Riley – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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