
IIM Sirmaur Introduces Two New Executive MBA Programmes, Check The Official Tweet Here

IIM Sirmaur Introduces Two New Executive MBA Programmes, Check The Official Tweet Here - networth, wiki, biography
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IIM Sirmaur MBA Programmes

IIM Sirmaur MBA Programme: The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sirmaur has launched two new age programmes in Executive MBA and Executive MBA in Digital Transformation and analytics. As per the given details, these programmes will help the professionals to develop new-age competencies and stay in sync with the requirements of Industry 4.0. Eligible and interested candidates can visit the official website of IIM Sirmaur – for more information.

As per the recent updates, candidates who are interested in applying for the MBA programmes are required to have a bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA and a minimum of three years of full-time experience. These programmes consist of lectures in the form of discussions, case discussions, project work, term papers,  assignments, role-plays, seminar presentations, management games etc. 

Check the official Tweet below:

@IIM_Sirmaur launches new-age programmes in Executive MBA and Executive MBA in Digital Transformation & Analytics- These programmes will help professionals develop new-age competencies and stay in sync with the requirements of Industry 4.0.

— IIM Sirmaur (@IIM_Sirmaur)
August 23, 2023

IIM Sirmaur launches two new MBA programmes

As per the reports, these programmes will be conducted on the state-of-the-art Interactive Learning (IL) platform. It also consists of two visits for in-campus modules which will enable them to get hands-on experience and interact with industry experts and with the faculty members.

The Executive MBA program will enable aspirants to build expertise in various sectors including operations, marketing, finance, strategy, human resources, etc., and the Executive MBA in Digital Transformation and Analytics will prepare students to leverage data and emerging technologies to drive sustainable growth for their organisations, the reports added.

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Links: IIM Sirmaur Introduces Two New Executive MBA Programmes, Check The Official Tweet Here – Tekmonk Bio, IIM Sirmaur Introduces Two New Executive MBA Programmes, Check The Official Tweet Here – Kungfutv, IIM Sirmaur Introduces Two New Executive MBA Programmes, Check The Official Tweet Here – Blogtomoney

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