
In Amsterdam, the Wine Festival, now in exclusive 15 euro for 10 euro

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It’s the largest wine festival in the Netherlands is in the air. Enjoy a great night out and sample more than 300 wines on offer. The wine festival is from the

It’s the largest wine festival in the Netherlands is in the air. Enjoy a great night out and sample more than 300 wines on offer. The wine festival is from the 20th to the 22nd of march in Amsterdam, the netherlands. In get your exclusive € 5 discount on your ticket.

you can buy your tickets.

Amsterdam-Wine-Festival At this, the seventh edition of the art of Wine Festival will take you on a journey through different wine-producing countries, such as South America, south africa, South Africa, and Australia. Check out the great food, and more than 300 delicious wines. There will also be extensive attention is paid to the bio-, bio-dynamic, and natuurwijnen. You need not be a professional sommelier to be. Gather your friends together and join in the fun of wines by the Amsterdam Wine Festival.


the city of Amsterdam, the Wine festival will be musically backed by the bands and Dj’s. There will be master classes, tastings, wijnquizzen, and you can have grape stomping. You will also culturally be entertained by the performances of the Argentine tango dancers, or the French, jeu-de-boules.

additional information Where: Westergas – Gasometer, transformer station & Leidinghuis When: Friday, march 20, from 15: 00 to 01: 00 Saturday, 21 march from 13: 00 to 01: 00 on Sunday 22 march from 13: 00 to 22: 00 hours Age: minimum 18 years of age price: the Price is now 15 euro’s for a mere 10 euros, you can Order tickets here

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Date Of Update: 26 February 2020, 17:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: In Amsterdam, the Wine Festival, now in exclusive 15 euro for 10 euro – Tekmonk Bio, In Amsterdam, the Wine Festival, now in exclusive 15 euro for 10 euro – Kungfutv, In Amsterdam, the Wine Festival, now in exclusive 15 euro for 10 euro – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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