
Is Chris Chan Dead? Check Here Is Chris Chan Alive Or Dead?

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Is Chris Chan Dead: Chris Chan was arrested in 2021 and charged with incest after an audio recording alleged she had sexual relations with her mother. People want to know Is Chris Chan Dead as many rumours about her death are circulating on the internet. Know here Is Chris Chan Dead or alive.

Is Chris Chan Still Alive?

Chris Chan is a Webcomic creator, artist, blogger and also a YouTube personality. She is well-known as the creator of webcomics featuring Rosechu and Sonichu. Chris is also known for being “a polarizing internet celebrity,” writes Sega Nerds. The website defines Chris as “the infamous creator of the Sonichu comic series and internet trolling target”.

Know here is Chris Chan dead.

Is Chris Chan Dead

No. Chris Chan is alive. She was arrested outside a hotel in August 2021 in Charlottesville and initially held at the Henrico County Jail.

She was arrested and charged with incest after an audio recording alleged Chris had sexual relations with her 79-year-old mother.

Henrico County Sheriff Alisa Gregory revealed in a statement to Newsweek: “Christine Weston Chandler is currently being held in our Jail West facility on one count of incest and awaiting arraignment in Greene County, Virginia.”

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Is Chris Chan Dead? Check Here Is Chris Chan Alive Or Dead? 1Is Chris Chan Dead? Check Here Is Chris Chan Alive Or Dead? 2Is Chris Chan Dead? Check Here Is Chris Chan Alive Or Dead? 3

Chris Chan Found Dead

In August 2021, The Internet Chronicle says that “Christine Weston Chandler AKA Chris-Chan was found dead in a Henrico County jail cell from an apparent suicide. She was misgendered and placed in the male section of the prison by the prison staff.”

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But, this news is not confirmed as the other sources did not mention anything about Chris’s death.

Chris Chan Update

It appears that Chris is alive. A tweet in August 2022 claimed that Chris Chan had escaped from jail and the tweet went viral, getting almost 1 million views.

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Then came a series of memes and rumours about Chris’s whereabouts. But, that was not true and Chris remained in prison. Her attorney revealed to HITC that they were unaware from any source that Ms.Chandler escaped.

How Old Is Chris Chan?

Christine Weston Chandler is well-known as Chris Chan. She is an American internet star, YouTuber, and musician from Charlottesville, Virginia. She was born on February 24, 1982. Her age is 40.

She goes by the name ‘CwcvilleGuardian’ on YouTube.

Chris created the webcomic series “Sonichu,” which she started posting in 1999. The character is a combination of Sonic the Hedgehog and  Pokémon Pikachu

Chris Chan Death

Chris, who was initially recognised as male, launched her YouTube channel in 2007 and later emerged as a transgender woman in 2016. A source says that Chris is dead. But, the news has not been confirmed yet. She has an Instagram and Twitter account.

On Twitter, Chan writes in her bio: “I am Mrs. Christine W. Chandler Sonichu, Goddess of the Nations of Cwcville, Comma, and the Commodore Consoles, and the Creator of Sonichu and Rosechu. She/Her.”

Reference Source:




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Categories: Biography

Links: Is Chris Chan Dead? Check Here Is Chris Chan Alive Or Dead? – Tekmonk Bio, Is Chris Chan Dead? Check Here Is Chris Chan Alive Or Dead? – Kungfutv, Is Chris Chan Dead? Check Here Is Chris Chan Alive Or Dead? – Blogtomoney

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