
Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial?

Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial? - networth, wiki, biography
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Is Jon Scheyer Married, is a question that is prevailing in everybody’s mind. Jon Scheyer is an American Basketball coach and former professional player and this man had already become a dream boy for many female fans. Know who has now become his permanent fan for a lifetime. Scroll the article given below to know Is Jon Scheyer Married and, if yes, who his wife is.

Is Jon Scheyer Married?

Yes, to many female fans heartbreak, this handsome basketball is married to  Marcelle Provencial for four years now. They exchanged their rings in 2017 and most of their marriage life is always private. They have been together since then and have two children. He is the father of two children, a boy named Jett and a daughter named Noa. He shared their photos on his official Instagram account. Scroll in the article given below to know more about this basketball player and his beautiful wife.

Feeling the love! Congrats to Marcelle Provencial and Jon Scheyer on their wedding last weekend!
— Sheri Whitko (@swhitko)

Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial?

Jon Scheyer’s wife is Marcelle Provencial. They’ve been together for four years.  Learn more about the American-Israeli basketball coach’s wife in the sections below. Marcelle is a registered nurse in addition to being Jon Scheyer’s wife. She has spent the last decade working in the Cardiac ICU at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Medical ICU at Rush University Medical Center. She graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. Marcelle Scheyer is relatively quiet on social media, though she does have accounts on Twitter and Instagram. Her Twitter handle is @mprovencial5, but she hasn’t tweeted in years. Marcelle Scheyer has over 600 Instagram followers. Her account, however, remains private.

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Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial? 1Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial? 2Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial? 3

Jon Scheyer Net Worth, Salary

Jonathan James Scheyer’s net worth has grown significantly as a result of his career as a basketball player and now as a coach. Scheyer’s annual earnings are estimated to be around $7 million. According to some reports, Jon’s annual salary after bonuses could be as high as $10 million. On the other hand, Jon hasn’t mentioned anything about his earnings. We can assume that he currently has a net worth in the millions of dollars. He also received the NABC Senior Achievement Award. He finished second in the ACC Player of the Year voting to Maryland’s Greivis Vasquez.

Jon Scheyer Bio Overview

Full NameJonathan James Scheyer
Date Of BirthAugust 24, 1987
Age34 Years
Profession Basketball Player
SpouseMarcelle Provencial
NationalityAmerican / Israeli
Networth $7 million 

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Categories: Biography

Links: Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial? – Tekmonk Bio, Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial? – Kungfutv, Is Jon Scheyer Married, Who Is Jon Scheyer Wife Marcelle Provencial? – Blogtomoney

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