
ITI Admission 2023: Check State-wise dates, official websites and admission updates here

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ITI Admission 2023: Check State-wise updates here

ITI Admission 2023: Every state has its own  Industrial Training Institute (ITI) admission process 2023. As of now,  Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Delhi, Rajasthan and other states have started the admission process for ITI admission 2023. As per the dates announced by the respective state admission conducting body, Telangana has started the registration process for phase 3. Himachal Pradesh is likely to release the ITI seat allotment round 2 results today. Candidates can check state-wise admission updates and their official websites here. 

State-wise ITI Admission 2023 Updates 

Candidates can check below the admission details of some of the states that have started ITI admission 2023: 

  • ITI Delhi Admission 2023: The Department of Training and Technical Education will be releasing the 3rd seat allotment result for ITI Delhi admission on August 23, 2023. Candidates can check their allotted seats online at Those who have been allotted a seat in the third round have to compulsorily freeze their preferences and report to the allotted institute between August 23 and 25 from 9:30 am to 5 pm. The last date to pay the ITI Delhi admission fee is August 27.
  • ITI Telangana Admission 2023: The Department of Employment and Training has already started the 3rd phase of registration for TS ITI admission 2023. Candidates can apply and fill in their web options online at Those who have already applied in the first and second phases are not required to register, however, they can submit new choices/options for ITI Telangana. The last date to register is August 30, 2023.
  • ITI Himachal Pradesh Admission 2023: The Department of Technical Education Vocational and Industrial Training released the ITI Himachal Pradesh seat allotment result for round 2 on August 21. Candidates who have registered for the second round can check their ITI Himachal Pradesh results online on the official website: Furthermore, they will have to report to the allotted institutes on August 24, 2023, along with their original certificates.
  • UP ITI Admission 2023: State Council of Vocational Training, Lucknow concluded the Uttar Pradesh ITI registration. The application form for UP ITI 2023 was available on the website: It is expected that the authorities will soon release the merit list of UP ITI based on the marks obtained in the qualifying examination. Those qualifying can get admission to various technical and nontechnical courses.
  • ITI Assam Admission 2023: The Skill, Employment, and Entrepreneurship Department has released the date for the spot round of ITI Assam admission. As per the schedule released, the last date to register for the spot round is today – August 22. The ITI Asaam admission ranks will be generated on August 25, 2023. Candidates further have to report to the allotted ITIs between August 28 and 30, 2023 along with the specified documents. 
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Categories: Trends

Links: ITI Admission 2023: Check State-wise dates, official websites and admission updates here – Tekmonk Bio, ITI Admission 2023: Check State-wise dates, official websites and admission updates here – Kungfutv, ITI Admission 2023: Check State-wise dates, official websites and admission updates here – Blogtomoney

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