
Jake Johnson’s Self Reliance on Hulu: Release date, plot, and more

Jake Johnson’s Self Reliance on Hulu: Release date, plot, and more - networth, wiki, biography
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Jake Johnson, known for his role as Nick in New Girl, ventured into new territory with his feature directorial debut, Self Reliance.

The movie was released at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March 2023 and has now been acquired by Hulu. Jake Johnson wrote the script and also stars in the comedy-thriller which currently has a rating of 7 on IMDb. The film is produced by MRC and Paramount Global Content Distribution and boasts a star-studded cast.

This includes the likes of Anna Kendrick, Natalie Morales, Andy Samberg, GaTa, Emily Hampshire, Mary Holland, Boban Marjanović, Christopher Lloyd, and Wayne Brady. The movie revolves around the character of Thomas, played by Jake Johnson.

Jake Johnson’s Self Reliance on Hulu: Release date, plot, and more 1

He is invited to a high-stakes game where he is hunted by other participants. Thomas can only be killed alone, and will win a million dollars if he survives.

Jake Johnson’s directorial debut Self Reliance snapped up by Hulu

The movie intertwines comedy with a thought-provoking concept. While Thomas can only be killed alone, none of his friends or family seem to believe his predicament. The movie has gained interesting reviews thus far and is based on an idea Johnson had been working on for years.

The director/actor revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic allowed him to infuse newfound relevance into the script. Johnson is most notably known for his work on the hit TV series New Girl.

He has worked in multiple notable comedies across TV and movies and worked as a voice actor for the two recent Marvel animated Spider-Man movies.

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Based on a cast full of noted and experienced comedy actors, Self Reliance presents a commentary on isolation and the need for human connection while maintaining humor throughout. The movie premiered at the 2023 SXSW Film Festival in March, where it was noted for its original concept and humor.

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Following the debut, Self Reliance will now premiere as a Hulu Original set for release on September 8, later this year.

Johnson’s own work and the experienced cast of some bonafide comedy legends means that Self Reliance promises to be a genuine cocktail of humor and absurdity.

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Despite the obvious solution to Thomas’ struggles in the movie, his inability to convince his loved ones is aimed to weave into a narrative focussed on some actual concepts from today’s world.

Despite the stars on show, Self Reliance will not hit theaters and fans can watch the movie straight from the comfort of their homes. With mere weeks remaining for the online premiere, viewers will be looking to get their Hulu subscriptions in order.

Categories: Trending

Links: Jake Johnson’s Self Reliance on Hulu: Release date, plot, and more – Tekmonk Bio, Jake Johnson’s Self Reliance on Hulu: Release date, plot, and more – Kungfutv, Jake Johnson’s Self Reliance on Hulu: Release date, plot, and more – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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