
Jake Paul says Hollywood “madness” got the better of him and his brother 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Jake Paul says Hollywood “madness” got the better of him and his brother. Please like and share if You are interested!

Though Jake Paul and his brother Logan are closer now, Jake said that the earlier part of their fame got in between their relationship. 

Both Jake and Logan Paul rose to fame by posting their shenanigans to Vine in 2013.

Though Jake would soon after become an actor in Disney shows like Bizaardvark, he and his brother Logan continued to post high-energy videos to YouTube after their Vine run.

Luckily for the brothers, they both became just as famous as each other, and they are now some of the top influencers of our generation. 

Though Jake and Logan have seemingly been close their whole career (despite their public feud when Logan had an affair with Jake’s girlfriend Alissa Violet around 2016), Jake has recently opened up stating otherwise.

Instagram: jakepaulJake and Logan Paul in their earlier streaming days.

Jake Paul admits that “every family has issues”

Jake and his older brother of two years may have begun making video content together, going viral for their crazy lifestyles, but their relationship hasn’t always been top-tier. 

Recently Jake even opened up to ET about what it’s like to be in the limelight with his brother Logan, saying, “He hated me, but I didn’t necessarily hate him.”

Jake continued, “I guess the story doesn’t do a good job of telling that, because it makes it seem like we both hated each other.” 

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He then credited Hollywood as the one factor between him and Logan, saying, “We got sucked into the Los Angeles madness and it got the better of us, and we had to realize, like, look, we’re brothers at the end of the day.”

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Jake Paul says Hollywood “madness” got the better of him and his brother 1Jake Paul says Hollywood “madness” got the better of him and his brother 2Instagram: jakepaulJake and Logan Paul had their drama public, leaving Jake in a “dark” place earlier on in his career.

Jake continued to mention that a relationship with his brother was more important than fame, saying, “That’s more important than any of this other stuff that we have going on, and once we figured that out, we have worked together to take over a lot of industries.”

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Jake claimed that “every family has issues,” and that although he had some dark times at the beginning of his career, with people around him who wanted to see him fail, he’s grateful that he can “be the example for another kid out there” to not let social media and the news get the best of them.

Most recently, Jake faced Nate Diaz in a professional boxing match with his brother Logan there to cheer him on. The two are closer now than ever and will continue to make money together. They are both involved in streaming videos together, too, as Jake is a frequent guest on Logan’s IMPAULSIVE podcast.

However, we’ll have to see how Jake responds to his brother fighting against Dillon Danis on the upcoming PRIME influencer-boxing card with his infamous rival, KSI, present.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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