
Jamie Finn Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Height, Family, GBBO

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Remember Jamie Finn from Great British Bake Off 2019? Well, he’s back on the show for its “Holidays” version. Maybe this time, this talented baker might just be the one to take the trophy home.

But what was going on with Jamie’s life behind the screen? Keep reading this Jamie Finn Bio to find out.

Jamie Finn On GBBO

Jamie Finn first appeared on GBBO back in 2019, and was eliminated during the second week of the show titled, “Biscuit Week.” His chocolate bars then failed to set and broke in half, which put him second in the Technical with his fig rolls, and his guitar 3D sculpture was also labeled “messy”.

“It was a great experience and I don’t want it to end,” Jamie said with teary eyes before leaving the show.

As if that wasn’t enough to break the heart of the viewers, Jamie later went on to write a surprise message on the official Bake Off Twitter — “I hope I haven’t let anyone down by leaving so early. I gave it my best shot which is all I could have asked for from myself.”

Also, Jamie then added he was “devastated” but he “definitely deserved to go” because “it wouldn’t have been fair for any of the other bakers to go.”

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Though Jamie may have not won the title, he created a meme legacy after only two weeks. The internet was making memes about Jamie’s disastrous last performance on GBBO.

Speaking about his time on GBBO, Jamie shared that it was quite an experience, and he got to learn a lot more from the show, rather than just baking. Also, he went on to reveal that GBBO contestants often leave the famous tent with much more than just their memories.

According to him, people often nick aprons and baking utensils, and some even managed to make off with electrical appliances.

Now, as of 2021, Jamie is back on the show to prove himself once again, and show the judges how much he’s improved. Another returning star joining him this season was James Hillery.

Jamie Finn Age

Jamie Finn was 22 years of age when he appeared on Great British Bake Off: Holidays in 2021.

Does Jamie Finn Have A Girlfriend?

Though not confirmed, Jamie Finn was reported to have a girlfriend named Cait Amelia. She is a London native who attended the University of Winchester.

The two were often spotted over each other’s socials, and the captions and comments suggest that they could potentially be boyfriend/girlfriend. For instance, Jamie’s Dec 31, 2020, IG post showcased a picture of them wearing matching tees and it was captioned, “Colour coordinated.”

Cait comment on the post, “baby us (heart emoji).”

Digging around a little, we found that the pair first started appearing on each other’s IG in July 2020, and were together as of 2021.

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Also, Cait has labeled Jamie as her “bud.”

Here’s Cait IG @caitamelia. She just turned 22 (the same age as Jamie) on August 6, 2021.

Jamie Finn Height

Jamie Finn stands tall at a height under 6 feet (183 cm).

Mentioning his distinct features, Jamie has amazing blue eyes, brown hair, and a square face.

Overall, this guy is a ladies’ dream boy. He even made it to the top 10 cutest contestants to hit the Great British Bake Off’s list. There even once sparked a controversy that Jamie was cast on GBBO, not for his baking skills but for his looks.

Jamie Finn Twin Brother

Jamie Finn’s twin brother is named Alex Finn. And yes! He is as attractive as Jamie. He has been featured quite a few times over Jamie’s IG, and they really do look identical.

Find Alex over IG @_alex_finn, and FB @alex.finn.7503.

However, we don’t know if he inherited the baking skill from their parents or not.

If you don’t know, it was Jamie’s grandma and parents who taught him the baking basics. But it was actually an ep of GBBO that inspired him to make a plaited loaf.

Trivia: He has an aunt named Katie Finn.

Related FAQs

  • When Does Jamie Finn Celebrate His Birthday?

A fan wished Jamie “happy birthday” on September 2. 

So, his birthday could be somewhere around that date.

  • Where Is Jamie Finn From?

Jamie Finn hails from Surrey, South East of England, UK.

  • What Is Jamie Finn’s Job Beyond GBBO?

Well, Jamie worked as a part-time waiter when he wasn’t on GBBO. Also, he was interested in sports, particularly tennis and American football.

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Last we check, he was all set to study Sports Science at a university.

  • Is Jamie Finn On Instagram, Facebook?

Yes, as of December 2021, Jamie entertained 31K followers over Instagram @jamiepfinn, and 7.2K followers over Twitter @jamiepfinn.

Here’s his Facebook @jamie.finn.14855.

Categories: Biography

Links: Jamie Finn Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Height, Family, GBBO – Tekmonk Bio, Jamie Finn Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Height, Family, GBBO – Kungfutv, Jamie Finn Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Height, Family, GBBO – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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